Moved, Looking to join a club
Everyone has their own reason to join a club.  The 2 main reasons are to learn from others and be able to bounce ideas of each other.  The second reason is that it is a social experience to meet and bond with others toward a common goal.
There are expenses that a club encounters such as the cost of a program like Bivio. Some clubs join BI, some buy insurance, and some have expenses for supplies, additional tax preparation and other items.  These costs are spread across the membership.  Fees for trading are the same whether you have your own account or a club account. My club is large and we ask Fidelity for free trades when needed so we rarely pay commissions. 

Sent via the Samsung GALAXY S(R)4, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone

-------- Original message --------
From: PBasil <>
Date: 01/17/2017 9:47 AM (GMT-05:00)
Subject: Re: [club_cafe] Moved, Looking to join a club

Thank you Laurie,
I am newbie with Investment clubs. Sorry about my Q.

May I ask ?

The main reason to participate an Investment club?

A. Education ?

B. Better stock selection ?

C. Low Fees ?

Thank you.

On Tue, Jan 17, 2017 at 8:18 AM, Laurie Frederiksen <> wrote:


Just to clarify.

There is no requirement that you register with or belong to Better Investing to have an investment club.  

Even if you do join them,  they do not have a requirement that you hold a stock you purchase for 15 years.

Laurie Frederiksen
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On Tue, Jan 17, 2017 at 6:20 AM, PBasil  wrote:
Hi rice,

confuse me that.
Every club has to be under NAIC(BETTER INVESTING) ?
Because said, every club under BI has to follow the method By and Hold 15 years.

Can you explain me,
If I create a club (no money ) I have to register with BI?