Please add NVDA to the stock research list

You're all set. We've added NVDA as a new Ticker Research page:

I noticed when looking at their Investor relations page that it appears they regularly reclassify their dividends at tax time.

You can find the information under Tax treatment on their FAQ page:

This doesn't mean you shouldn't invest in them if you feel they are a good stock, but it does mean you might have extra work at tax time to reclassify dividends.

Some clubs find the work needed to do that confusing and prefer to avoid the hassle. It isn't really hard, but it is something to consider if you want to keep your record keeping as simple as possible.

Laurie Frederiksen
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On Fri, Jul 1, 2016 at 4:25 PM, Jeanne Tieken <> wrote:
Please add NVDA to the stock research list