Club tax information missing
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Club tax information missing Is there a way to discern if club taxes have been filed? Our club's tax filer has become indisposed. One of the partners can contact the IRS and ask, but a paper-filed return can take several months to get into the system. While on the phone with the IRS, you can explain the situation and ask what you should do to ensure that a return is timely filed. If you mail anything to the IRS, do it via certified mail or using one of the authorized third-party services. You want to be sure to have proof of filing. Proof of mailing using an approved service (certified mail or authorized third-party) is accepted by the IRS as proof of filing. Ira Smilovitz On Thu, Apr 7, 2016 at 6:25 AM, Mary Moriarty <> wrote: Is there a way to discern if club taxes have been filed? If this were our club, i would file the return again. This would ensure that you filed in a timely manner. The risk of filing identical returns has fewer ramifications than not filing at all. Has everyone received his K-1? If the K-1's are not available on bivio, then probably a return was not filed. Don't panic - take a few days to think it through and perhaps file again. I'm not sure what "indisposed" means in your case, but perhaps you could find your filer's records. He should have a copy of all IRS filings, either paper copies or on on his computer. If nothing is found then I, personally, would file, with the risk of duplicating the return. I am no expert, but I have been a club treasurer for 20+ years. |