Watch Lists

Hi All,

Looking for some feedback if you have a minute:

1. How many of you maintain a Watch List?

2. If you do, how do you determine what stocks go on it?

3. For the stocks on it, what do you watch? Price, fundamentals etc.?

4. If something looks good on your list does it trigger you to buy it or to do further study?

Thanks in advance for any feedback and insight you can provide.

Laurie Frederiksen
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Let me answer some of your questions.

Frank Wilson
Emerald Coast Chapter Model Investment Club

On Fri, Oct 23, 2015 at 10:34 AM, Laurie Frederiksen <> wrote:

Hi All,

Looking for some feedback if you have a minute:

1. How many of you maintain a Watch List?

I have a watch list and a separate study list. The watch list is a I want to buy list, but it is not in the buy zone of my ssg, I may not have the funds right now,etc. The study list is a list of stocks I'm interested in, but not certain if I want to buy. It could be something new, I just learned about it etc.

2. If you do, how do you determine what stocks go on it?

My buy zone in the SSG. Debt is not to high, historical earning and sales are projected at 10% or higher. The P/E sounds reasonable. The next two years of the analysis expectations are looking good. Now that I learned about comparing net income to cash in operations I will start using that as a bench mark. My SSG should show a compound annual return of 10% or better.

3. For the stocks on it, what do you watch?

Price, fundamentals etc.?

4. If something looks good on your list does it trigger you to buy it or to do further study?

Both. If money is available I and I've been waiting I may buy now, and sometimes I will study the stock again.

Thanks in advance for any feedback and insight you can provide.

Laurie Frederiksen
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I use a watch list and fundamentals to determine which stocks to get into and at what price. The fundamentals also inform me about when to sell and at what price.

I use options to buy stocks at a lower price and sell them at a higher price than market. I also use long-term options to enable me to put much less money at risk for the same potential profits when entering new positions.

Having researched a company and decided what I want to buy, I enter limit orders for both stocks and options and wait until the prices reach my targets to be executed. The executions often happen when I am sleeping or not paying attention to the market.

Richard Pfeffer, Ph.D.
The Options Doctor

On Fri, Oct 23, 2015 at 11:34 AM, Laurie Frederiksen <> wrote:

Hi All,

Looking for some feedback if you have a minute:

1. How many of you maintain a Watch List?

2. If you do, how do you determine what stocks go on it?

3. For the stocks on it, what do you watch? Price, fundamentals etc.?

4. If something looks good on your list does it trigger you to buy it or to do further study?

Thanks in advance for any feedback and insight you can provide.

Laurie Frederiksen
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Thank you Richard and Frank for your input.

I wonder how many stocks you (or anyone else) has on your watchlist at any point in time. It seems like a lot of work to update fundamental analysis for too many on a regular basis.

Laurie Frederiksen
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what about using your contest list, ie:Better Investing Mid Michigan Chapter and Groundhog with Manifest Investing, as a watch list. many are excellent companies

On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 3:22 PM, Laurie Frederiksen <> wrote:

Thank you Richard and Frank for your input.

I wonder how many stocks you (or anyone else) has on your watchlist at any point in time. It seems like a lot of work to update fundamental analysis for too many on a regular basis.

Laurie Frederiksen
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