Looking For Educational Topics For Your Investment Club?

Each month, my investment club is reading and discussing a chapter from the book:

The 5 Rules For Successful Stock Investing

The book is written by Pat Dorsey, who was the Director of Equity Research for

It's easy to read and it gives a good overview of tips for successful stock investing. It also gives an introductory description of financial analysis tools that every investor should learn about.

To help us in our discussions, I've been creating question and answer quizzes that our members use as they read the chapter for the month. We then work through them together during our monthly meeting as our educational topic.

They start good discussions as we think about the applications of each months subject to our club and to the stocks we own.

If any of you are interested in creating a similar monthly activity for your own clubs, I am posting the Question and Answer sheets for each chapter as we create them here:

Feel free to use them for your club meetings. If you do, let us know how it goes!

Laurie Frederiksen
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Thanks for making this available to other clubs.  I will definitely take you up on your offer by copying your question / answer items. 
Sent: Monday, October 19, 2015 1:02 PM
Subject: [club_cafe] Looking For Educational Topics For Your Investment Club?

Each month, my investment club is reading and discussing a chapter from the book:

The 5 Rules For Successful Stock Investing

The book is written by Pat Dorsey, who was the Director of Equity Research for

It's easy to read and it gives a good overview of tips for successful stock investing. It also gives an introductory description of financial analysis tools that every investor should learn about.

To help us in our discussions, I've been creating question and answer quizzes that our members use as they read the chapter for the month. We then work through them together during our monthly meeting as our educational topic.

They start good discussions as we think about the applications of each months subject to our club and to the stocks we own.

If any of you are interested in creating a similar monthly activity for your own clubs, I am posting the Question and Answer sheets for each chapter as we create them here:

Feel free to use them for your club meetings. If you do, let us know how it goes!

Laurie Frederiksen
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That's great. I'm glad to hear you'll find it useful.

Laurie Frederiksen
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On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 3:44 PM, Dick Lewis <> wrote:
Thanks for making this available to other clubs. I will definitely take you up on your offer by copying your question / answer items.
Sent: Monday, October 19, 2015 1:02 PM
Subject: [club_cafe] Looking For Educational Topics For Your Investment Club?

Each month, my investment club is reading and discussing a chapter from the book:

The 5 Rules For Successful Stock Investing

The book is written by Pat Dorsey, who was the Director of Equity Research for

It's easy to read and it gives a good overview of tips for successful stock investing. It also gives an introductory description of financial analysis tools that every investor should learn about.

To help us in our discussions, I've been creating question and answer quizzes that our members use as they read the chapter for the month. We then work through them together during our monthly meeting as our educational topic.

They start good discussions as we think about the applications of each months subject to our club and to the stocks we own.

If any of you are interested in creating a similar monthly activity for your own clubs, I am posting the Question and Answer sheets for each chapter as we create them here:

Feel free to use them for your club meetings. If you do, let us know how it goes!

Laurie Frederiksen
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Check the quiz for chapter 1.  Answer J is missing and K & L are overlapping.
Sent: Monday, October 19, 2015 1:02 PM
Subject: [club_cafe] Looking For Educational Topics For Your Investment Club?

Each month, my investment club is reading and discussing a chapter from the book:

The 5 Rules For Successful Stock Investing

The book is written by Pat Dorsey, who was the Director of Equity Research for

It's easy to read and it gives a good overview of tips for successful stock investing. It also gives an introductory description of financial analysis tools that every investor should learn about.

To help us in our discussions, I've been creating question and answer quizzes that our members use as they read the chapter for the month. We then work through them together during our monthly meeting as our educational topic.

They start good discussions as we think about the applications of each months subject to our club and to the stocks we own.

If any of you are interested in creating a similar monthly activity for your own clubs, I am posting the Question and Answer sheets for each chapter as we create them here:

Feel free to use them for your club meetings. If you do, let us know how it goes!

Laurie Frederiksen
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Thanks Dick. It looks like the Quizlet printer was kind of funky. I'll fix that and get a better version posted soon.

Laurie Frederiksen
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On Wed, Oct 21, 2015 at 11:48 AM, Dick Lewis <> wrote:
Check the quiz for chapter 1. Answer J is missing and K & L are overlapping.
Sent: Monday, October 19, 2015 1:02 PM
Subject: [club_cafe] Looking For Educational Topics For Your Investment Club?

Each month, my investment club is reading and discussing a chapter from the book:

The 5 Rules For Successful Stock Investing

The book is written by Pat Dorsey, who was the Director of Equity Research for

It's easy to read and it gives a good overview of tips for successful stock investing. It also gives an introductory description of financial analysis tools that every investor should learn about.

To help us in our discussions, I've been creating question and answer quizzes that our members use as they read the chapter for the month. We then work through them together during our monthly meeting as our educational topic.

They start good discussions as we think about the applications of each months subject to our club and to the stocks we own.

If any of you are interested in creating a similar monthly activity for your own clubs, I am posting the Question and Answer sheets for each chapter as we create them here:

Feel free to use them for your club meetings. If you do, let us know how it goes!

Laurie Frederiksen
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You're all set. The Question and Answer sheets for chapter 1 on this page have been adjusted to clear up the overlap issue.

The 5 Rules of Successful Stock Investing Educational Activity

Laurie Frederiksen
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There seems to be missing answer selections on the Quiz for the "5 Rules..". My computer showed them blank for b, c, e, f, I, k, and m. The Answer sheet lets you know the correct answers on the left side but they are still missing in the right hand column. Am I the only one seeing this?


From: [] On Behalf Of Laurie Frederiksen
Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2015 3:35 PM
To: The Club Cafe <>
Subject: Re: [club_cafe] Looking For Educational Topics For Your Investment Club?

You're all set.  The Question and Answer sheets for chapter 1 on this page have been adjusted to clear up the overlap issue.

The 5 Rules of Successful Stock Investing Educational Activity

Laurie Frederiksen
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Thanks you.......
Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2015 6:35 PM
Subject: Re: [club_cafe] Looking For Educational Topics For Your Investment Club?

You're all set.  The Question and Answer sheets for chapter 1 on this page have been adjusted to clear up the overlap issue.

The 5 Rules of Successful Stock Investing Educational Activity

Laurie Frederiksen
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For Forward and Introduction, Items K and L in Answer sheet and Quizlet overlap and can't be read.

On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 6:44 PM, Rosenthal <> wrote:

There seems to be missing answer selections on the Quiz for the "5 Rules..". My computer showed them blank for b, c, e, f, I, k, and m. The Answer sheet lets you know the correct answers on the left side but they are still missing in the right hand column. Am I the only one seeing this?


From: [] On Behalf Of Laurie Frederiksen
Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2015 3:35 PM
To: The Club Cafe <>
Subject: Re: [club_cafe] Looking For Educational Topics For Your Investment Club?

You're all set. The Question and Answer sheets for chapter 1 on this page have been adjusted to clear up the overlap issue.

The 5 Rules of Successful Stock Investing Educational Activity

Laurie Frederiksen
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Joanne asked:

"There seems to be missing answer selections on the Quiz for the "5 Rules..". My computer showed them blank for b, c, e, f, I, k, and m. The Answer sheet lets you know the correct answers on the left side but they are still missing in the right hand column. Am I the only one seeing this?"

Are you seeing the problem you describe at this link?

Chapter 1 Questions

I don't see what you are seeing. If it is not when you click on the link for the Chapter 1 questions that you see the problem, let me know where it was.

The answer sheet for chapter one only shows you the correct letter and the correct answer for each question. It didn't seem important to duplicate those in the right column there.

Jeanne asked:

"For Forward and Introduction, Items K and L in Answer sheet and Quizlet overlap and can't be read."

I will correct the overlap issues with the introduction section. Sorry for the inconvenience there. As I mentioned, it turns out I can't count on the Quizlet printer to print the tests correctly.

You can also go to the Quizlet link and generate your own tests also using the "Test" button you'll see on that page.

Laurie Frederiksen
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We could not find this book listed by title or author in our public library. Do you know where it is available?
Sent: Monday, October 19, 2015 12:02 PM
Subject: [club_cafe] Looking For Educational Topics For Your Investment Club?

Each month, my investment club is reading and discussing a chapter from the book:

The 5 Rules For Successful Stock Investing

The book is written by Pat Dorsey, who was the Director of Equity Research for

It's easy to read and it gives a good overview of tips for successful stock investing. It also gives an introductory description of financial analysis tools that every investor should learn about.

To help us in our discussions, I've been creating question and answer quizzes that our members use as they read the chapter for the month. We then work through them together during our monthly meeting as our educational topic.

They start good discussions as we think about the applications of each months subject to our club and to the stocks we own.

If any of you are interested in creating a similar monthly activity for your own clubs, I am posting the Question and Answer sheets for each chapter as we create them here:

Feel free to use them for your club meetings. If you do, let us know how it goes!

Laurie Frederiksen
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On Oct 25, 2015, at 1:21 AM, Carol W. Cohn <> wrote:

We could not find this book listed by title or author in our public library. Do you know where it is available?
Sent: Monday, October 19, 2015 12:02 PM
Subject: [club_cafe] Looking For Educational Topics For Your Investment Club?

Each month, my investment club is reading and discussing a chapter from the book:

The 5 Rules For Successful Stock Investing

The book is written by Pat Dorsey, who was the Director of Equity Research for

It's easy to read and it gives a good overview of tips for successful stock investing. It also gives an introductory description of financial analysis tools that every investor should learn about.

To help us in our discussions, I've been creating question and answer quizzes that our members use as they read the chapter for the month. We then work through them together during our monthly meeting as our educational topic.

They start good discussions as we think about the applications of each months subject to our club and to the stocks we own.

If any of you are interested in creating a similar monthly activity for your own clubs, I am posting the Question and Answer sheets for each chapter as we create them here:

Feel free to use them for your club meetings. If you do, let us know how it goes!

Laurie Frederiksen
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I got mine via Amazon. 

Sent from my iPad

On Oct 25, 2015, at 4:10 AM, Robert Shaw via <user*> wrote:


On Oct 25, 2015, at 1:21 AM, Carol W. Cohn <> wrote:

We could not find this book listed by title or author in our public library. Do you know where it is available?
Sent: Monday, October 19, 2015 12:02 PM
Subject: [club_cafe] Looking For Educational Topics For Your Investment Club?

Each month, my investment club is reading and discussing a chapter from the book:

The 5 Rules For Successful Stock Investing

The book is written by Pat Dorsey, who was the Director of Equity Research for

It's easy to read and it gives a good overview of tips for successful stock investing. It also gives an introductory description of financial analysis tools that every investor should learn about.

To help us in our discussions, I've been creating question and answer quizzes that our members use as they read the chapter for the month. We then work through them together during our monthly meeting as our educational topic.

They start good discussions as we think about the applications of each months subject to our club and to the stocks we own.

If any of you are interested in creating a similar monthly activity for your own clubs, I am posting the Question and Answer sheets for each chapter as we create them here:

Feel free to use them for your club meetings. If you do, let us know how it goes!

Laurie Frederiksen
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On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 7:01 AM, Roy Chastain <> wrote:
I got mine via Amazon.

Sent from my iPad

On Oct 25, 2015, at 4:10 AM, Robert Shaw via <user*> wrote:


On Oct 25, 2015, at 1:21 AM, Carol W. Cohn <> wrote:

We could not find this book listed by title or author in our public library. Do you know where it is available?
Sent: Monday, October 19, 2015 12:02 PM
Subject: [club_cafe] Looking For Educational Topics For Your Investment Club?

Each month, my investment club is reading and discussing a chapter from the book:

The 5 Rules For Successful Stock Investing

The book is written by Pat Dorsey, who was the Director of Equity Research for

It's easy to read and it gives a good overview of tips for successful stock investing. It also gives an introductory description of financial analysis tools that every investor should learn about.

To help us in our discussions, I've been creating question and answer quizzes that our members use as they read the chapter for the month. We then work through them together during our monthly meeting as our educational topic.

They start good discussions as we think about the applications of each months subject to our club and to the stocks we own.

If any of you are interested in creating a similar monthly activity for your own clubs, I am posting the Question and Answer sheets for each chapter as we create them here:

Feel free to use them for your club meetings. If you do, let us know how it goes!

Laurie Frederiksen
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Here is a link to Amazon where you can find new and used copies of the book.

The 5 Rules For Successful Stock Investing

Laurie Frederiksen
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