Member withdrawal - AccountSync message
While inputting information on the Withdrawal page for a
withdrawing member, I get the following message:
"There are unidentified AccountSync debits or credits prior
to the selected Valuation Date. Before recording the
withdrawal, you must identify the items on the Account
Details page."
How do I fix/get past this?
Do what it says.  Go through your transactions and see if there is any that are not identified. If you don't find any then contact Bivio customer support.


On Monday, November 10, 2014 10:16 AM, Robert Leppanen <> wrote:

While inputting information on the Withdrawal page for a
withdrawing member, I get the following message:
"There are unidentified AccountSync debits or credits prior
to the selected Valuation Date. Before recording the
withdrawal, you must identify the items on the Account
Details page."
How do I fix/get past this?