We are looking to revise our by-laws and wondered if there
were any good examples of what should be in them on the
bivio web site or if any clubs had good, well written ones.

You can find a model partnership agreement here:

Ira Smilovitz

On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 11:01 AM, Karen Wilson <> wrote:
We are looking to revise our by-laws and wondered if there
were any good examples of what should be in them on the
bivio web site or if any clubs had good, well written ones.

Dear Karen,

You can find both a sample investment club partnership agreement and sample investment club operating procedures in our help section. Here are the links:

Sample Investment Club Partnership Agreement

Sample Investment Club Operating Procedures

Feel free to ask questions here or to support@ about any of the items contained in them. There are often good reasons clubs should do things a certain way that may not be immediately obvious to your club.

Laurie Frederiksen
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On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 11:01 AM, Karen Wilson <> wrote:
We are looking to revise our by-laws and wondered if there
were any good examples of what should be in them on the
bivio web site or if any clubs had good, well written ones.

Hi Karen,
In our club, we decided to keep our partnership agreement really simple since it's such a big deal to change it. We then created operating procedures, separate from PA, to guide our day to day club decisions. These can be changed (or overridden) at any time with a simple majority vote. You can find both on our website at You are welcome to use them as a guideline.
Lynn Ostrem, president
Crow River Investment Club