Stock Exchanges
As Oracle makes big news by switching its listing from the NASDAQ to the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), your investment club members might like the opportunity to learn more about how stock exchanges work.

As described here,

New York Stock Exchange

the NYSE is the bigger, older exchange with a rich and fascinating history. It began in a time when stock orders were executed using an auction format in a live setting. Some of them still are which provides all of us the image of a stock market as a room full of people yelling.



began in 1971 as the worlds first electronic stock market.

Apparently it isn't clear why ORCL switched from NASDAQ to the NYSE. It is more expensive to be listed on the NYSE. Speculation seems to be that either NASDAQ angered Larry Ellison somehow or the NYSE sweet talked him into the exchange. You probably won't notice any differences if you are an ORCL investor, but it's interesting to understand what happens after you place a trade with your broker.

How Stocks Trade

Laurie Frederiksen
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