An Idea for Educational Topics for Your Investment Club Meetings
As investors you are all being impacted by the policies of the Federal Reserve Bank. Projections of what policy will be implemented cause swings such as we had this past week in stock prices. There are a lot of news articles about what the Fed is doing, but do you really know anything about them or their mission? Here's an opportunity to learn about them directly from the main guy, Ben Bernanke.

Over on the Manifest Investing discussion boards, Hugh McManus posted information about a lecture series Ben Bernanke did last spring at George Washington University. In the introductory series, he describes the central banking system, their mission and how their actions impact our economy. He also discusses the recent Fiscal crisis.

There are 4 lectures. You can find a link to them here:

About The Federal Reserve and the Financial Crisis

Each lecture is actually posted for you to watch, and, what is great for your club meetings, is that they are broken down into small pieces so you could just watch one or two each meeting as an educational topic. They are easy to watch and understand. For example, here are the topics discussed in the first lecture "Origin and Mission of the Federal Reserve":

  • A central bank and its mission
  • The policy tools of central banks
  • Origins of central banking
  • Financial panics
  • Lender of last resort
  • Financial stability prior to the Fed
  • The gold standard
  • Establishment of the Federal Reserve
  • The Great Depression
  • Policy during the Great Depression
  • President Roosevelt's economic policies
  • If you're interested in investing and in learning more about economics, I think you'll really enjoy these. It's a great opportunity. Who better to learn about it from than the main guy?

    Laurie Frederiksen
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