We're meeting tonight. When can I tell them they will have
their tax forms..
It would be nice to be able to print them out tonight before
the meeting.
Dear Deborah,

Our programmers are working hard to incorporate the last minute tax law and form changes that Congress and the IRS instituted for 2012 and that we did not know about until early January. This year there are some very extensive changes and we need to test thoroughly to make sure we will be able to handle the issues you may encounter as you prepare your club taxes.

You will not be able to prepare your taxes this year until you have also received your 1099 forms from your broker. They have until February 15 to get them to you and many brokers have requested and been granted extensions to February 28.

A big step in preparing your taxes this year will be reconciling the 1099 information with the bivio gain/loss report. If you have your 1099's, you can begin work now on that step and you will be way ahead. If you find any issues that you don't know how to correct, email your 1099 to us at with the problem identified and we can begin working with you to help you resolve them.

We realize that members are getting anxious, but it is better to get everything done right the first time than have to go back and amend returns that are incorrect. We do not want to rush a release of the tax program until we are comfortable all of the issues that need to be addressed are addressed accurately. As we have said all along, a reasonable date that you can tell your members you will be able to prepare their tax forms is sometime between now and the end of February. Of course, we will release the program as soon as it is ready. We will announce the release here, in a bulletin and in a notice on your club pages when it happens.

Thank you all for your patience. I assure you we are working very hard on this.

Laurie Frederiksen
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On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 7:26 AM, Deborah Misleany Reed <> wrote:
We're meeting tonight. When can I tell them they will have
their tax forms..
It would be nice to be able to print them out tonight before
the meeting.

Thanks Laurie...

On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 9:51 AM, Laurie Frederiksen <> wrote:
Dear Deborah,

Our programmers are working hard to incorporate the last minute tax law and form changes that Congress and the IRS instituted for 2012 and that we did not know about until early January. This year there are some very extensive changes and we need to test thoroughly to make sure we will be able to handle the issues you may encounter as you prepare your club taxes.

You will not be able to prepare your taxes this year until you have also received your 1099 forms from your broker. They have until February 15 to get them to you and many brokers have requested and been granted extensions to February 28.

A big step in preparing your taxes this year will be reconciling the 1099 information with the bivio gain/loss report. If you have your 1099's, you can begin work now on that step and you will be way ahead. If you find any issues that you don't know how to correct, email your 1099 to us at with the problem identified and we can begin working with you to help you resolve them.

We realize that members are getting anxious, but it is better to get everything done right the first time than have to go back and amend returns that are incorrect. We do not want to rush a release of the tax program until we are comfortable all of the issues that need to be addressed are addressed accurately. As we have said all along, a reasonable date that you can tell your members you will be able to prepare their tax forms is sometime between now and the end of February. Of course, we will release the program as soon as it is ready. We will announce the release here, in a bulletin and in a notice on your club pages when it happens.

Thank you all for your patience. I assure you we are working very hard on this.

Laurie Frederiksen
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On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 7:26 AM, Deborah Misleany Reed <> wrote:
We're meeting tonight. When can I tell them they will have
their tax forms..
It would be nice to be able to print them out tonight before
the meeting.