Two Things to Do Now to Get Ready for Tax Season
It's a slow start to this years tax season. The IRS is not even accepting individual returns prior to January 30.

We target to have the 2012 program released for you to do your club taxes in mid to late February. You don't want to do anything until you've received your 1099's. Brokers have until February 15 to get them to you.

Tax preparation will go very quickly once the program is released if you've taken the time between now and then to make sure your club records are accurate. There are two things you should do now:

  1. We recommend you conduct a club audit. We've designated January 19 and 20th Audit Party Weekend. We'll be doing webinars about how to do an audit at two different times and we'll be available all weekend to answer questions. You can register to attend at
  2. Find the Realized Gain/Loss report on your brokers website. Compare it to the Capital Gains report produced by bivio. All the information, including cost basis, sales proceeds, transaction dates and gain/loss amounts should agree with what your broker shows. If it doesn't, you need to determine why. If you find an issue you need help figuring out, let us know as soon as possible by emailing There are some issues that can take us some time to help you work through and our support workload will be getting greater and greater as we go into tax season.

Looking forward to working with you this year!

Laurie Frederiksen
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