Abbott/AbbVie Spinoff
Anyone know exactly how to record in Bivio the company split
that Abbott Labs just executed? I have our account sync
with TDAmeritrade but there seems to be a lack of
transactions in our TDAmeritrade account. We now have equal
shares to Abbott and Abbvie but not sure about the beginning
price in the new shares. Can anyone help? thanks.
Hi Colby,

It can take a few days for us to do the research and update AccountSync when a reorganization such as this one occurs.

If you need the entries made before AccountSync processes them for you, just email us at and we'll make them manually for you.

Laurie Frederiksen
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On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 2:02 PM, Colby T. Lancelin <> wrote:
Anyone know exactly how to record in Bivio the company split
that Abbott Labs just executed? I have our account sync
with TDAmeritrade but there seems to be a lack of
transactions in our TDAmeritrade account. We now have equal
shares to Abbott and Abbvie but not sure about the beginning
price in the new shares. Can anyone help? thanks.

A few days after the abbott spinoff my accounting software
showed the spinoff correctly, that we had 144 shares of
each stock, abbott and abvie. now i wake up and it has
changed, there are 302 shares of abbott. that cannot be.
it raises the value of the package to much more than the
original value of abbott before the split. It is an odd
amount and doesn't equal to doubling the stocks.....which i
might expect that mistake.

we meet this thursday and i hope to be able to make a
complete report on the spinoff and have records to prove it.

Thanks for all your help.

Dear Deannie,

For some reason, this reorganization is coming through in broker data as a split, not a spinoff.

We had already correctly entered it as a spinoff when the split entries came through from the broker data. You should just delete the extra split entry to correct your entries.

Laurie Frederiksen
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On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 9:43 AM, Deannie Rule <> wrote:
A few days after the abbott spinoff my accounting software
showed the spinoff correctly, that we had 144 shares of
each stock, abbott and abvie. now i wake up and it has
changed, there are 302 shares of abbott. that cannot be.
it raises the value of the package to much more than the
original value of abbott before the split. It is an odd
amount and doesn't equal to doubling the stocks.....which i
might expect that mistake.

we meet this thursday and i hope to be able to make a
complete report on the spinoff and have records to prove it.

Thanks for all your help.


thanks, laurie