COOL Club Recordings and September Meeting Schedule
There has been a lot happening at the COOL Club during July and August. Meeting attendees have had glowing praise for the presentations and the new COOL TOOLs. You can use the COOL TOOLs to easily guide you through the process of choosing Covered options.

The recordings of all the sessions are now posted here:

COOL Club Recordings

Some are also posted on the biviochannel on YouTube, making it easy for you or your club to watch them on your IPad, Smartphone or any device you can play YouTube videos on. You can access them here:

Sign up now for the COOL Club September meetings. We'll be discussing:

Sept. 5 Using the COOL TOOL to determine how to Close a Cash Secured Put
Sept. 12- Using the COOL TOOL to determine how to Sell Covered Options on Broad Market Index ETF's
Sept. 19-Using the COOL TOOL to determing how to Close Covered Option Positions on Broad Market Index ETF's
Sept. 26-Volatility-How it Impacts Your Covered Option Decisions

Register Now

As always, the sessions are free and everyone is invited but space is limited. Looking forward to "seeing" you there!

Laurie Frederiksen
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