Questions to Answer When One Of Your Companies Reports Quarterly Earnings
One of our bivio investment clubs shared this list of questions they had recently given to their members to answer as they listened to the quarterly earnings reports for the stocks they were following.

I thought it was a great list and they said I could pass it along.

1. How did sales, net income and EPS grow this quarter versus the year ago quarter (in other words the same quarter in 2011)?
2. How did this compare to analyst's expectations? Our expectations?
3. How did Net Profit Margin do? Did it improve or weaken and did they talk about why in either case?
4. Did the company announce any new initiatives or projects?
5. Did the company announce any concerns around competition, costs, material supplies, etc?
6. Did they provide any guidance around the next quarters? How did it compare with analysts' expectations?

You'll find the answers to these a very good starting point for following the stocks you own. It is even just a fun learning exercise to listen to a recent conference call and see if you can find out the answers to them.

Laurie Frederiksen
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Funny you should bring it up. I just read an article on about what Jim Cramer looks for on earnings calls. It adds a few more items to your list. Find it here:
Lynn O.
On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 10:17 AM, Laurie Frederiksen <> wrote:
One of our bivio investment clubs shared this list of questions they had recently given to their members to answer as they listened to the quarterly earnings reports for the stocks they were following.

I thought it was a great list and they said I could pass it along.

1. How did sales, net income and EPS grow this quarter versus the year ago quarter (in other words the same quarter in 2011)?
2. How did this compare to analyst's expectations? Our expectations?
3. How did Net Profit Margin do? Did it improve or weaken and did they talk about why in either case?
4. Did the company announce any new initiatives or projects?
5. Did the company announce any concerns around competition, costs, material supplies, etc?
6. Did they provide any guidance around the next quarters? How did it compare with analysts' expectations?

You'll find the answers to these a very good starting point for following the stocks you own. It is even just a fun learning exercise to listen to a recent conference call and see if you can find out the answers to them.

Laurie Frederiksen
Invest with your friends!

Thank you Lynn. I had heard that Cramer had done a session on this and I appreciate the link because I was curious what he had to say.

He's got quite a few things on his list. I l think the list I sent out yesterday is a really good way for a club to get started. As people get more comfortable with following stocks and they know more about the companies they have invested in, they will start to be more aware of some of the subtleties that Cramer outlines. They are part of what makes investing so interesting. At least for me!

Thanks again for sharing the link.

Laurie Frederiksen
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