"So Many Stocks, So Little Time" - Recording Posted
If you missed Lynn Ostrems sell out presentation last Thursday, you missed a good one. Here are some comments from some of the attendees:

"Superb presentation, one I will have to play again."

"It motivated me to follow the disciplined approach that Lynn presented."

"I learned a ton of valuable information that I will be sharing with our investment club. Thank you for providing this service!"

"Down-to-earth. Practical. Logical. Step-by-step. Just an overall wonderful hour's worth of information."

The good news is that it was recorded and you still have an opportunity to see it. You'll find the links to the handout and the recording at:

You'll also find a link on the bivio Facebook page. Make sure to "Like" it and let Lynn know you appreciated her efforts! We certainly do.

Thank you again Lynn for doing the presentation for everyone!

Laurie Frederiksen
Invest with your friends!

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