HI all,
Members have a request about a couple of BIVIO reports. At
the end of the investment performance report I get: "AIRR
on Investments (excludes cash) = 7.4%"

The I run a performance benchmark and I get
IRR Portfolio Value
Partnership of Rogue Traders 5.3%
Vanguard 500 Index Fund (VFINX) 5.3% 111,777.14

Please can anyone explain the difference, or point me to
somewhere that explains it ?


Hi Mike,

Good question. (See below)

The AIRR value on the Investment Performance Report is the rate of return for money already in your club that has gone into and out of investments you have made.

The AIRR value on the Performance Benchmark Report is the rate of return from money that has gone into and out of your club. This would include money that sits as cash until you use it to invest. In this case, it might help if you can think of your club itself as the investment. It is the annualized rate at which your contributions to the club have grown for the time period that the report covers.

Hope that helps. Let us know if you still have questions.

Laurie Frederiksen
Become our Facebook Friend!

"HI all,
Members have a request about a couple of BIVIO reports. At
the end of the investment performance report I get: "AIRR
on Investments (excludes cash) = 7.4%"

The I run a performance benchmark and I get
IRR Portfolio Value
Partnership of Rogue Traders 5.3%
Vanguard 500 Index Fund (VFINX) 5.3% 111,777.14

Please can anyone explain the difference, or point me to
somewhere that explains it ?

Mike Taylor"