Explanation of Stock Data Changes
I am aware that the stock data downloaded from Better
Investing for use in Toolkit 6 has been "adjusted" or
"normalized". What I would like to know is whether, as a
subscriber to this data, there is a website where I can
learn what adjustments have been made to a specific
company's data that will explain the difference between the
downloaded data and the data reported by the company to the

Jack Ranby
On Sun, Feb 12, 2012 at 8:07 PM, John W Ranby wrote:
I am aware that the stock data downloaded from Better
Investing for use in Toolkit 6 has been "adjusted" or
"normalized". What I would like to know is whether, as a
subscriber to this data, there is a website where I can
learn what adjustments have been made to a specific
company's data that will explain the difference between the
downloaded data and the data reported by the company to the

Dear Jack,

The best place to get the raw data is from the financial reports issued by the company. The easiest way I've found to get to them in a nice format is by going to the Investor relations section of the company websites.

The descriptions of the income statement categories in the financial reports will describe the comparative numbers and whether there were any special circumstances affecting them.

You can then decide for yourself if they're important and you'd like to "normalize" or ignore them in your analysis.

Hope that helps!

Laurie Frederiksen
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Thank you for the suggestion. I was hoping to avoid a line
by line comparison between the raw data and the downloaded
data to determine which figures were changed and to what
extent. I was hoping the supplier of the data feed
(Morningstar?) would provide a guide to the changes it made
to the data.

Jack Ranby
Are you sure the Morningstar data feed data is normalized now? I was under the impression it was not.

You might also find useful information on a Valueline report. They normalize data and they give a summary at the bottom of what they have changed. If Morningstar is adjusting things they may be making similar adjustments.
Laurie Frederiksen
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