Minimum Monthly Contribution
The 711 Investment Club requires a fixed monthly dues payment from each member of $75.00, no more, no less.
That said, some members pay the $75 every month, some pay it all at once, and some follow other payment schedules. All roads lead to a total dues payment of $900.00 per calendar year.

On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 11:09 AM, Laurie Frederiksen <> wrote:
Hi All,

A club has asked me to ask you your input on this question:

Our club has a required minimum contribution of $25.00 per
month. We are considering an increase. Can you tell me the
average monthly contribution of other clubs?

If any of you would like to share this information here, I'm sure they would appreciate it.

Thanks in advance!

Laurie Frederiksen
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We have a minimum of $25.  We have 16 members and about 4 do $100/month, a few do $50/month and the rest does $25.  Some members have joined with a large amount (like $2,000) and we have had some that make large payments ($1,000+) every once and a while.  Its their money and their choice so we don't care what they contribute.  We have the $25 minimum because when we started we had some members, and still due, that are struggling financially and would of never started to invest on their own. 
John Rice
ABODI Investment Club

From: Laurie Frederiksen <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 11:55 AM
Subject: Re: [club_cafe] Re: [I] Re: [club_cafe] Minimum Monthly Contribution

You guys are the best.  Thank you for the feedback.  I'm sure the club will appreciate the input.

As a followup, do you have any thoughts to share on why you've established the minimum contribution amounts you've chosen?  Is it affordability, number of members in your club, minimum amount you'd like to invest as a club each month or something else?

Thanks again in advance for any input.

Laurie Frederiksen
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The Yankee Chapter Model Club is currently down to 3 members.  We decided to contribute $200/month in order to have a minimum of $500 to invest. As a model club we are looking for members of the public to observe and possibly join (after a training period and voted in).  If they join, it is for a finite time unless they become a director. New members do not have to contribute $200/month, the current members can decide on the minimum required since we are actively seeking more members.  We do use a one member, one vote system and it has not been an issue so far.  The operating procedure can always be revised if it became an issue. The club meets online the second Sat of the month 11:30 EDT.  If you are interested in attending let me know and I will send an email invitation to the Webinar.

Ira Haas

From: [] On Behalf Of Laurie Frederiksen
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 2:56 PM
Subject: Re: [club_cafe] Re: [I] Re: [club_cafe] Minimum Monthly Contribution

You guys are the best.  Thank you for the feedback.  I'm sure the club will appreciate the input.

As a followup, do you have any thoughts to share on why you've established the minimum contribution amounts you've chosen?  Is it affordability, number of members in your club, minimum amount you'd like to invest as a club each month or something else?

Thanks again in advance for any input.

Laurie Frederiksen
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We do $300 a month
Members of our club contributes 50 dollars a month. We collect the amount twice a year (300 dollars ) in June and December from the members. This has worked for our club better than having the checks come every month.

Luckshmy Investment Club

On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 11:09 AM, Laurie Frederiksen <> wrote:
Hi All,

A club has asked me to ask you your input on this question:

Our club has a required minimum contribution of $25.00 per
month. We are considering an increase. Can you tell me the
average monthly contribution of other clubs?

If any of you would like to share this information here, I'm sure they would appreciate it.

Thanks in advance!

Laurie Frederiksen
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so, please explain.  If one member can not own more than a certain percentage, what happens when that person has been a member longer than most of the others?  For an example, I am a charter member of WIN, but we have had a lot of joins and quits over the years, so my percentage is 26% which is considerable more than the others. One as low as 1% because she just joined in January.
----- Original Message -----
From: Linda Lee
Sent: Sunday, July 28, 2013 4:52 PM
Subject: [club_cafe] Minimum Monthly Contribution

I believe this method of contributing whatever you like can cause problems.  The bivio PA template says under capital contributions that no partner may own more than 2.0 times the percentage of the club that he/she represents to the number of members.  I recall seeing a warning either from bivio support or club cafe that no member can own more than a certain percentage of the club assets for legal reasons.

From: John Rice <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 12:29 PM
Subject: Re: [club_cafe] Re: [I] Re: [club_cafe] Minimum Monthly Contribution

We have a minimum of $25.  We have 16 members and about 4 do $100/month, a few do $50/month and the rest does $25.  Some members have joined with a large amount (like $2,000) and we have had some that make large payments ($1,000+) every once and a while.  Its their money and their choice so we don't care what they contribute.  We have the $25 minimum because when we started we had some members, and still due, that are struggling financially and would of never started to invest on their own. 
John Rice
ABODI Investment Club

From: Laurie Frederiksen <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 11:55 AM
Subject: Re: [club_cafe] Re: [I] Re: [club_cafe] Minimum Monthly Contribution

You guys are the best.  Thank you for the feedback.  I'm sure the club will appreciate the input.

As a followup, do you have any thoughts to share on why you've established the minimum contribution amounts you've chosen?  Is it affordability, number of members in your club, minimum amount you'd like to invest as a club each month or something else?

Thanks again in advance for any input.

Laurie Frederiksen
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I believe this method of contributing whatever you like can cause problems.  The bivio PA template says under capital contributions that no partner may own more than 2.0 times the percentage of the club that he/she represents to the number of members.  I recall seeing a warning either from bivio support or club cafe that no member can own more than a certain percentage of the club assets for legal reasons.

From: John Rice <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 12:29 PM
Subject: Re: [club_cafe] Re: [I] Re: [club_cafe] Minimum Monthly Contribution

We have a minimum of $25.  We have 16 members and about 4 do $100/month, a few do $50/month and the rest does $25.  Some members have joined with a large amount (like $2,000) and we have had some that make large payments ($1,000+) every once and a while.  Its their money and their choice so we don't care what they contribute.  We have the $25 minimum because when we started we had some members, and still due, that are struggling financially and would of never started to invest on their own. 
John Rice
ABODI Investment Club

From: Laurie Frederiksen <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 11:55 AM
Subject: Re: [club_cafe] Re: [I] Re: [club_cafe] Minimum Monthly Contribution

You guys are the best.  Thank you for the feedback.  I'm sure the club will appreciate the input.

As a followup, do you have any thoughts to share on why you've established the minimum contribution amounts you've chosen?  Is it affordability, number of members in your club, minimum amount you'd like to invest as a club each month or something else?

Thanks again in advance for any input.

Laurie Frederiksen
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I think it's a non-issue today. Percentage caps were included in the long standing NAIC Sample Club Bylaws and have been perpetuated ever since. As long as your members have one vote per person, the percentage of ownership doesn't come into play. Why force a member to withhold dues or limit the amount they contribute? In all the club visits I've made over the years, and all the disputes I've mediated, I've never once heard of issues over someone owning too much of the club.
Even if a large percentage member leaves the club, it's all about the percent return, not how much money the club has in the coffers.
Lynn Ostrem
Crow River Investment Club

Just because the Bivio partnership agreement (PA) template
says something doesn't make it written in stone. When my
club formed, our PA limited each partner to owning no more
than 20% of the value of the club. As we lost partners over
the years, we realized that there might come a time when we
would be down to five partners, and each would have to own
exactly 20% of the club. If we lost another partner, then
the PA simply would not be workable at all. Because of this,
we removed the limit from our PA a few years ago. Now my
club is down to two partners. I own approximately 66% of the
club and the other partner owns the remainder. Removing the
limit has caused no problems at all for us. Quite the
contrary, in fact. It solved a potentially insurmountable
problem. By the way, we require a $50 minimum monthly
contribution because we want it to be small enough that
nearly anyone can afford it, yet it discourages those who
are not serious from joining the club. We want only serious
investors in our club. Partners must participate and perform
the work required. By the way, if anyone in the Phoenix, AZ
area is looking for a club to join, please let me know.
The sample bivio partnership agreement only gives you an option for wording if you'd like to keep any one member from owning a significantly larger share of the club than other members. As further discussed on the explanation page:

this may be more related to the method you choose to make decisions than anything else.

it is certainly fine for you to allow members to own whatever percentage you all agree on and are comfortable with. bivio can handle it fine.

Laurie Frederiksen
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In the past, the wording in our agreement stated no one member could own more than 20% of the total shares.
This did not seem to present an issue until 2 members had to resign due to relocating out of state .  This was in a 2-month period of time and they were long-time members.    
After the buy-out, it took several months of dues-paying by the remaining members to put it in a situation where the one member could once again pay dues on a monthly basis.
While no one really expects things like this to happen, it is wise to know what has happened to others so you can prepare for this option and how you feel it would best work for you.
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2013 6:50 AM
Subject: Re: [club_cafe] Re: Minimum Monthly Contribution
The sample bivio partnership agreement only gives you an option for wording if you'd like to keep any one member from owning a significantly larger share of the club than other members.  As further discussed on the explanation page:

this may be more related to the method you choose to make decisions than anything else.

it is certainly fine for you to allow members to own whatever percentage you all agree on and are comfortable with.  bivio can handle it fine.

Laurie Frederiksen
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