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Fundamental Forecasts

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Company Lookup:

Expeditors Intl EXPD Air Transport (Freight) 76.2 9.4%
Current Price (07/08) $35.37
CAPS Rating (Rate this stock on CAPS)
Expected Income Statement
Current Sales 5,250.0
Sales Growth Forecast 9.3%
Net Profit Margin 5.5%
Projected Shares Outstanding 220.0
EPS - Five Year Forecast $2.05
Average P/E Ratio 26.0
Projected Average Price $53.23
Price Appreciation (Annualized) 8.5%
Annual Dividend Yield 0.9%
Projected Annual Return 9.4%
Financial Strength 100 25.0
EPS Stability 94 23.5
Industry Sales Growth Rate 8.1% 14.4
Industry Net Profit Margin 5.1% 13.5
Calculated Quality Rating 76.2

Total Players

432 Outperforms
23 Underperforms


147 Outperforms (98.0%)
3 Underperforms
Fundamental Data Updated: 06/04/2010
Quality Legend:
BlueExcellent with quality greater than 65.
GreenGood with quality between 55 and 65.
NeutralAverage or below average with quality between 35 and 55.
RedPoor with quality less than 35.
PAR Legend:
GreenPAR is within the target range of MIPAR +5-10%, currently 15.8-20.8%.
YellowPAR is above the target range of MIPAR +10%, currently 20.8%.
PARProjected Annual Return
MIPARThe Manifest Investing Median PAR of all stocks in the database.
*Not covered by Value Line Standard Edition.
bUses price-to-book value for valuation purposes.
P/CFUses price-to-cash flow for valuation.

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