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Re: [club_cafe] WithdrawalsI am the treasurer for my club. We only take the fees charged by others. I am uncertain where the high >$100 cost comes from. For the federal and state return, packages included in membership. I pdf each members' k-1 and email to them. I ...
RE: [club_cafe] WithdrawalsI use the part of Bivio where everyone can print their own forms.A Costs me nothing.A If a member has withdrawn simply a€œ check show all membersa€.A It is each persona€(TM)s responsibility to make sure they have all of the forms necessary to file their ...
Re: [club_cafe] DisbanningWhat rules has your club set up in your partnership agreement or operating procedures for making decisions?A You'll need to follow those rules to determine whether a decision is binding on all members if 5 out of 7 people agree to it. Even if the ...
Re: Disbanding ClubHi, The club I'm in is also disbanding. We've been following the guidelines provided and they are been very helpful. A couple of specific questions: 1. For the NJ Tax return, I note that there is a place to mark it as a Final Return. ...
RE: [club_cafe] withdrawal reportYou do not need to do anything with the withdrawal report aside from giving it to the member. Hopefully his tax preparer will know what to do with it. The k-1 for that member should have FINAL checked at the top and should show a ...
Re: [club_cafe] Re: Our club is breaking upThese are the instructions to follow if your club is disbanding: Disbanding Your Investment Club You can't rush through disbanding.A You need to factor in enough time to complete the receipt of all your income and your final disbanding transactions. You also need to be ...
Re: [club_cafe] Re: Our club is breaking upNote that the due date for partial year 2016 returns has changed.A Partial year final returns are now due by the 15th day of the Third month following the date of termination. A A In the past they've been due on the 15th day of ...
Re: Our club is breaking upThank you all for the valuable information provided. I sent a question to support but got no response so decided to ask club cafe. Our subscription will end feb 15 2017 so I believe if we file the final tax within 4 months then ...
Re: [club_cafe] Re: Our club is breaking upOur club decided to disband last year.A We held the stocks until near the end of the year so we would be within the time limit for filing. Our subscription ended mid March so it worked quite well.A My only caution is that the tax ...
Re: [club_cafe] Re: Our club is breaking upI agree with Marcia. Rarely is the tax program released in the first two weeks of February. Make sure that you talk to Bivio about it. John On Wednesday, April 20, 2016 6:23 PM, Marcia Meltzer <> wrote: Our club decided to disband last year. ...
Re: [club_cafe] Replace a Partnership AgreementI certainly hope that it's OK, and I believe it is because the original documents usually contain a provision allowing amendments. One of my clubs had made several such changes that last year we decided to completely incorporate the addendums and then we changed what ...
Re: [club_cafe] Replace a Partnership AgreementSimply call the new document Revision 1. Denny McCarthy From: "Roy Chastain" <> To: "club cafe" <> Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2016 11:54:22 AM Subject: Re: [club_cafe] Replace a Partnership Agreement I certainly hope that it's OK, and I believe it is because the original ...
Re: [club_cafe] Replace a Partnership AgreementI would also note in the your Club's latest Meeting minutes that the Agreement was completely redone to a standalone Revision 1. From: "dennymccarthy" <> To: "club cafe" <> Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2016 7:32:26 PM Subject: Re: [club_cafe] Replace a Partnership Agreement Simply call ...
Re: [club_cafe] Re: Heads Up if You Owned KHC or MDLZ in 2016We've been hounding our broker (Scottrade) for the KHC/MDLZ recharacterization that is holding up the 1099. We have filed for an extension of the 2016 March 15th deadline for the club filing.A A Just today Scottrade sent us a "Real Time Summary" of an "unofficial" ...
Re: [club_cafe] Accountant OpeningThank you. A Maybe I'll just buy a new dress and have my husband take me out to dinner. I did get to watch the final episode of Hells Kitchen with the winner recently.A That probably gives me enough points in the celebrity schmoozing column ...