Quest for Positive Relative Returns-New Low Observer Fund | |
The green line on the graph below compares the rate of return you've achieved in your club relative to the rate of return you would have achieved if you'd invested the same amounts at the same times in VFINX (The Vanguard Index 500 Fund). Positive values mean you've made your money grow faster than the market return represented by the index fund. The yellow line is shown for comparison. It is the average relative return for each time period for all clubs participating in the Quest for Positive Relative Returns. |
Dates are the end points of successive 12 month time periods shown below. |
Earn a yellow bivio friend when you achieve 3 periods of positive relative return. * Green bivio friends are earned for every 4 yellow bivio friends**. Green bivio friends bring $30 in bivio bucks to your club to use toward renewing your subscription. |
For more information about benchmarking, go to Benchmarking Your Portfolio | |
*Results shown reflect status of club records when chart was prepared. | |
*Subject to records verification. Contact for further details. |
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