Calendar Spreads
Hello Mr Wolfinger, I told a broker friend of mine that I wanted to buy 100 shares of CAT at $59.00 or $5,900 (rounding numbers for ease) since I think it will go higher and I plan to keep it for a while, but he ...
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buy puts/selling covered calls
Mark, Just read your article on selling calls, thanks. My step-father is a bit uneasy in the market now and has 1.5 million in assets. 60% in equities via mutual funds/etf's/some individual stock. Here are my thought and if you could expand or correct me ...
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I have 22 contracts of 730 Feb calls on Google. I noticed that the term "Indicates non-standard option" now appears by the "0" bid. What does this mean? They have no value so will lose my $600.00 that I paid for them. Right? Nor will ...
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Understanding Write a covered call to sell
Hi Mark I just read your article. This is what I intend to do Action Sell Call to Open Order Type Market Option Symbol .HLFBG Description HLF FEB 35.00 CALL # of Contracts 1 Real-time Quote $4.4000 Real Time Quote Last Update 02/01/10 3:46:52 PM ...
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What is this strategy?
Hello Mark. I am just beginning to learn about options and overheard someone say "Buy longer term options and sell shorter-term options against it". Could you please explain this strategy and why/when someone would use it? Is this a conservative strategy? Harrison Hello Harrison, This ...
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Your thoughts....
on the following strategy regarding the underlying equity: RRC Buy 4 RRCMJ 50 Jan Puts @ 1.80 Sell 4 RRCOJ 50 Mar Puts @ 3.60 Net Credit 1.80 Assumption: RRC will pull back below 50 during January. However, during Feb and/or Mar RRC will advance ...
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NS Option - Banco Santander
I am looking at the Jan 10 Put +WVRMB at a strike price of 10. I have never sold a put option and this was interesting because it was such a high price: 4.70/5.10 (Bid/Ask). However, it is a non-standard option and states that it ...
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Starting Out in Options
Hello Mark! Greetings from a fellow Chicagoan and former bivio columnist! And greetings to you Candis. I am just starting out studying options. I have recently attended classes put on by the Options Industry Council about options and I have a few (a lot of!) ...
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spread nomenclature
hi mark, Hi Debra, i'm a little confused. which strike is mentioned first when referring to a spread? The important part is to know what 'buy' or 'sell' a specific spread means. To sell a spread always means to sell the higher priced option. Thus, ...
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Dear Mr Wolfinger, I have tried to sell high quality irons or boxes and have had two brokers tell me that I was executing "self financing" trades. Is this normal, or is there somewhere I can go to put these trades on? My vision is ...
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hi mark, who is mary travers? :-) and, why do you prefer trading RUT over other indices eg. QQQQ? (do you really trade RUT only?) thanks, deb Hi Deb, Mary Travers was part of Peter, Paul & Mary. I'm just going to assume you have ...
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question on Put Options
I'm new to Options and puts in general. My question is this: if I buy say 10 contracts of SPY for Jan 10 90 (100) do I need to own any of the actual SPY stock when I go to exercise that option on or ...
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Why do options vary in expiration date?
I have been trading options for a few weeks now (with my own money that is) and I have seen that some options for certain stocks expire at different months than others. For example, Wells Fargo (WFC) offers options for Aug, Sep, and Oct, while ...
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Selling naked options
I am interested in writing naked calls or puts and doing them far enough out of the money that they retire worthless on the 3 Friday, Any advise? And is there any good charts I should be looking at. Thanks RS Hello RS, My best ...
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Market vs. Credit vs. Debit vs. Even
When I place an options order with my broker, the web site has a column called "Price" and then the following values - Market, Credit, Debit, or Even. I have to choose one of these before I am able to place the order. What do ...
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