Today I'm sharing some of my trading/investment
philosophy. These ideas work for me and I believe are universal.
However, these are based on my experience and may not work for
everyone. My reason for sharing them is to suggest that you consider
them. Just thinking about specific issues allows the trader/investor
to decide if this idea is suitable for his/her situation.
1) To succeed over
the longer-term, losses must be minimized. Thus, risk management is the
essential skill for any trader
2) Your
trading/investing goal is to make money and see your account value
steadily grow
3) **It does not
matter from which specific stocks you earn your profits.
4) No specific stock
‘owes’ you a profit. If you lost money
the last time you traded one stock, do not force a
borderline trade in that same stock in an attempt to ‘get even.’
5) If you have a
losing position that exits your comfort zone (too much risk
going forward):
a. Do not increase position size in an
attempt to get even
b. Do not hold,
hoping the stock will reverse direction, allowing losses to be recovered
c. Do not alter
(adjust) the position solely because you refuse to accept a loss
i. Adjust the
position ONLY when the adjusted position is one you truly want as part
of your portfolio
position must suit your investment criteria. That
means both the reward potential and risk must be acceptable. That's
the potential risk/reward for the future. What’s lost is lost. Don’t
on it. If you cannot find a position you
want to own, then forget this stock and find another.
6) **It does not
matter from which specific stocks you earn your profits.
7) If you believe one stock offers a good
trading opportunity, then that’s the place to invest
your money. Referring to #5 above, you
would be better served to get out of the risky position and move to one
that you believe is better for your style. Your goal is to make money
for your account.
This is a
difficult concept for some people to grasp. The ‘need’ to recover
losses from one specific stock blinds them to finding
an opportunity to make money elsewhere. Which would you rather do: a)
Recover losses,
even if it takes a year, or b) earn three times as much money by
trading a
different stock? The answer should be
obvious to all. Remember, it does not
matter from which specific stocks you earn your profits. (This cannot
repeated too often.)
Mark D Wolfinger
Expiring Monthly: The Option Traders Journal