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 Brokerage - New
Date Exec. Description Amount Balance
03/26/2020 chrisanderson Payment, Megan Wilson 25.02 2,595.69
03/26/2020 chrisanderson Payment, Christopher Anderson 25.10 2,570.67
03/19/2020 chrisanderson Account transfer 2,045.18, Brokerage - Old to Brokerage - New
Transfer cash to new broker
2,045.18 2,545.57
03/03/2020 chrisanderson Payment, Ryan Washington 25.11 500.39
03/02/2020 chrisanderson Payment, Megan Wilson 25.02 475.28
02/28/2020 chrisanderson Payment, Justin Martinez 25.01 450.26
02/28/2020 chrisanderson Payment, Andrew Green 25.03 425.25
02/28/2020 chrisanderson Payment, Brittany Chastain 25.05 400.22
02/28/2020 chrisanderson Payment, Rishaan Anand 25.04 375.17
02/27/2020 chrisanderson Payment, Christopher Anderson 25.10 350.13
02/21/2020 chrisanderson Payment, Andrew Green 25.03 325.03
02/18/2020 chrisanderson Payment, Andrew Green 300.00 300.00

Current Balance: $ 16,137.33