Nancy Cray’s Making
Judgments Simple
SSG is a guide, not a black box or crystal
It doesn’t replace judgment
It’s a tool to guide your judgments
Informed opinion based on your common sense evaluation of
available information
Not using judgment is form of judgment
Information you use can be
Knowledge of company (Peter Lynch)
Knowledge of industry
Quantitative information in SSG
No need for complex analyses
Before you use judgment, you should understand the company
and its industry
Understand products or services
Potential new uses?
What is source of growth?
Increased sales?
New products?
Understand competition
Barriers to entry?
Potential pricing pressures?
Change in management?
Management problems?
1. Analyze past
2. Estimate future fundamental performance of company
3. Accept or reject stock as potential buy. Can reject after any stage and not complete
SSG. Don’t complete SSG just because you
have a computer.
These stages are repeated in each section of SSG
Document Your Judgment
Use notes section in software
Analyzing History
First step in SGG is to analyze the history
Examine recent quarterly growth data on front of SSG
Is it acceptable?
If yes, proceed
If not, reject and go on to another company
Analyze historical growth - don’t just accept it
Eliminate non-recurring events
Don’t eliminate a year of data just because it is up or down
- especially if there are several
Find out why it happened
Compare growth in recent years with those in past
Has growth moderated as company matured?
This drop in earnings and pretax profit occurred during the
last recession.
You can eliminate a year of data in ITK by placing mouse
pointer over the year and clicking when you see a minus sign next to the
Eliminating those years results in more conservative growth
Compare recent and early years
Alt-G in ITK brings up a table showing growth over various
numbers of years.
We can see the earnings growth has been moderating, so we
might choose to eliminate the earlier years
When we eliminate the earlier years, growth of EPS is only
Is that acceptable?
Will the growth turn around?
If so, why and how?
Stock Analyst Plus!
Can click on years to eliminate them as in ITK
Can also shorten and lengthen the trend line with the mouse
and drag the trend line around
If historical trends are not acceptable, reject the company
and discontinue the SSG
Estimating Future Growth
The next step is to estimate future growth based on the
historical growth.
Sometimes straight forward, but sometimes not
Think about the kind of business it is, industry, etc.
What if growth rates are very high?
If growth rates really high
See if they moderating
Check growth in recent years, recent quarters
Compare them to industry growth rates
Find out what will fuel its growth
Expect them to moderate
If EPS is growing faster than sales
Can’t go on forever
Find out why it’s growing faster
Profit margin increasing?
Buying back shares?
Decreasing taxes?
None can continue forever
Could recent events affect the growth?
Patent expirations
Loss of customers/clients
Change in management or key personnel
Lower prices
Newer or better products
Industry problems?
Sales of
Government regulations
After you make your estimates of future growth, do a reality
Compare to profit margin growth
Use preferred procedure or revenue based procedure
Look at the internal growth (SA+)
Compare to analysts’ consensus estimates
Is the projected growth acceptable?
If not, stop doing the SSG and look at another company