Calculating Total and Average Return on Investment
I would like to be able to calculate the return on investment for our club. Does anyone know the formula or have a spreadsheet they use to calculate their own returns. Something doesn't seem right to me on the Bivio calculation for our club but ...
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new member
i live in Union County NJ and would like to join a new existing club that is looking for new members. please contact me.
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Investors interested in a club contact
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updating existing club
Our club is returning to bivio. There are names listed on our roster which withdrew while we were not active Bivio members. How do I remove them or at least list them as withdrawn?
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looking for new members to start club
I live in Bellwood, IL and I'm looking for new members to get my club started. If there is anybody out there in the Chicago area and you are looking to join my club please respond.
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club_cafe: we would like an exodus from exodus
You're not going to like this. Exodus Communications common stock was cancelled in June, 2002. You should have claimed the loss on your 2002 Form 1065 and distributed the loss to your partners at that time. Here's what you need to do. Enter a sale ...
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we would like an exodus from exodus
We, most unfortunately, hold stock in Exodus Communications which, to the best of my knowledge has been declared worthless. If this is so, what if any actions do we take with respect to club accounting? Thanks in advance!
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Are there any existing clubs in the Mississippi Gulfcoast?1 message
Are there any existing clubs in the Mississippi Gulfcoast?1 message
Resetting Unit Values
Does anyone know how to reset the unit value of a club? We are just starting up and posting contributions (no investments as of yet) and payments among members have not been consistent and the unit values are all over the place. We would like ...
3 messages
club_cafe: tax implications
Can you provide more information on the IRS request? If your member has a green card, s/he is a legal resident of the US and files an "ordinary" 1040 like any citizen. There is no "backup" withholding for partnership income. What I suspect may have ...
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entering annual contributions
We have a couple of members who put in the full amount of their contributions for the upcoming year in a lump sum. What is the proper way to enter this transactions and how should i treat their payment entry each month? Thanks in advance.
3 messages
Nautica Enterprise Inc.
Recently, Nautica was acquired by VF Corpartion. Thus, the shares of stock my club owned were bought back. Now we are trying to update our accounts to reflect the buy back and the cash lieu amount, but I keep receiving errors. What should I do, ...
1 message
club_cafe: Re: entering annual contributions
I would be very careful about doing this. Check your partnership agreement carefully. If your partnership agreement does not state that there is a specific contribution each month, then the members who are prepaying should get all of their units as of the date of ...
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tax implications
Two items - One - we have a green card member and I got a letter from the IRS that we had to do withholding. We have not had taxable income, but the letter said that didn't matter. What do we need to do? Two ...
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