stock merger FTDI and EFTD - last year
It has been bothering club members that our investment of FTDI is not showing up correctly on our statement. Here is the history We bought EFTD on 5/23/01 for $6.00 a share for $16.168 shares ($97.01 purchase + $2.99 fee = $100 purchace total). The ...
2 messages
club_cafe: Re: Re: Adding a partner
>>Along the lines of this thread, does anyone know what we need to do with regards to the IRS when a member leaves/joins? >>I thought I read somewhere that we need to refile the partnership agreement, and perhaps even receive a new EIN. You don't ...
1 message
club_cafe: Re: Re: Calculating Total and Average Return on Investment
Jim, I did the XIRR calculation and it looks like it is working. I am getting a #NUM in the blank when there is a negative return. Is there a way to get a negative return ( an actual negative number) when you use this ...
2 messages
Transfer of Stock upon Withdrawal
Hello everyone! We are finally getting the opportunity to transfer stock in lieu of cash for a total withdrawal. I went to the Bivio "demo" club to test out the screens. It allowed me to see the stock transfer screen, but it wouldn't let me ...
3 messages
club_cafe: Re: Adding a partner
Here's what I would do about the member that withdrew. Strike out her signature with a single line and add next to it "Resigned, see minutes of [date]." You should keep the resignation letter and a copy of your minutes as official club records. Ira ...
3 messages
club_cafe: Cancellation of Common Stock
>>In a response to a question about Exodus Communications, you had mentioned that the stock was cancelled in 2002. Where can you find this information about current or past problem companies? There are several places to look. First, check the company's web site. Often the ...
1 message
Cancellation of Common Stock
Ira, In a response to a question about Exodus Communications, you had mentioned that the stock was cancelled in 2002. Where can you find this information about current or past problem companies? Kim
1 message
club_cafe: Death of a partner
>>Unfortunately, one of our partners passed away last week. Is there anything we need to do in particular in distributing their account. The estate has already contacted us for a valuation on date of death. Does that amount need to be paid to the estate ...
1 message
Death of a partner
Unfortunately, one of our partners passed away last week. Is there anything we need to do in particular in distributing their account. The estate has already contacted us for a valuation on date of death. Does that amount need to be paid to the estate ...
1 message
Does anyone know if Quicken can download from Buyand Hold? I looked at the Quicken online brokerage house listings and did not see BuyandHold. Thanks, Joe
1 message
I don't know how to do it. I got a $1167.01 check for a member who needed emergency. I sold stock from Buy and Hold, and they sent me a check. I can't figure out a way to transfer the check from Buy and Hold ...
2 messages
club_cafe: Re: Re: Calculating Total and Average Return on Investment
Ok, Thanks. I will look for it when I have a bit more time. Sharon >From: Jim Thomas >Reply-To: "The Club Cafe" >To: >Subject: club_cafe: Re: Re: Calculating Total and Average Return on Investment >Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2003 01:15:48 GMT > >Sharon Pepper ...
1 message
any current clubs in Texas
If there are any clubs in the Texas please let me know.
5 messages
club_cafe: Re: Calculating Total and Average Return on Investment
Jim, Thank you so much. I just looked at Excel and found an IRR but no IXRR. Could I use IRR? I will try this right away. Also thanks for the offer of help, I may well take you up on that. Sharon >From: Nancy ...
2 messages
club_cafe: Calculating Total and Average Return on Investment
Thank you. I read the information that you directed me to previously but that does not give me the calculation that I am seeking. Here is my specific problem. On the investment performance report it appears that the value of the stock at the time ...
3 messages