club_cafe: Confusion over withdrawal report
If the cash portion of Sam Chase's withdrawal is greater than his adjusted cost basis in the club, the extra cash is a capital gain and the stock(s) transferred as part of the withdrawal assume a cost basis of $0. Since you don't provide the ...
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Confusion over withdrawal report
I'm in need of help! Rather than writing to tech support, I thought my questions might benefit others, so I'm writing to the main board. I have a member departing with stock. This is a first for us. I went to the Demo Club and ...
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Purchase of TSE company (also on Yahoo)
Hello Bivio Club Cafe Our investment club purchased shares of Northern Orion Resources, which is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange as NNO.TO (Yahoo symbol with the share price is reflected in Canadian Dollars). Note- To get the stock's share price in US Dollars, the ...
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How do I distribute profits?
We just sold a portion of our holding of one of our stocks for a profit and all the partners want to withdraw their respective portion of the sale. How is that determined? I don't see in bivio where it shows how much of the ...
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club_cafe: Partner individual buys
>>Some of our members want to buy stocks individually and hold in our club account eliminating the need for an individual B&H account. Is this possible and would it throw our numbers out of wack? It is definitely NOT possible. I can't begin to describe ...
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Partner individual buys
Some of our members want to buy stocks individually and hold in our club account eliminating the need for an individual B&H account. Is this possible and would it throw our numbers out of wack?
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Looking for a club in southern Twin Cities, MN area
Hi, I'm looking to join, and/or form, a club in the southern Twin Cities area. Please reply by email to . Thanks!
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Looking for a club in southern Twin Cities, MN area
Hi, I'm looking to join, and/or form, a club in the southern Twin Cities area. Please reply by email to . Thanks!
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club_cafe: Re: Re: Re-establishing withdrawn member
Paul, I don't think there is a problem here. I would want two K-1s. The first K-1 would be marked "final" and that would "trigger" the need to report (on the 1040) the capital gain/loss on withdrawal. The second K-1 would represent a new equity ...
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club_cafe: Re: Re-establishing withdrawn member
Just curious, but what would happen in the case of a member who had a full withdrawal in January, but then rejoined in October? Will bivio correctly report that there are two separate "histories" (similar to multiple buys and sells of a stock) or would ...
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club_cafe: Re: Worldcom
Don't do anything yet. Although WorldCom has announced that the existing common stock will be canceled when it reorganizes and emerges from Chapter 11 it hasn't done so yet. Things may change (although this is highly unlikely). If you can get your broker to buy ...
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Re-establishing withdrawn member
I was wondering if there is a way to re-activate a withdrawn member. When I view the withdrawn member, the Privileges show as Withdrawn and there appears to be no way to change it.
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Our club recently received a letter indicating we would receive nothing for the shares of Worldcom we hold as they emerge from bankrupcy, although I do not believe the bankrupcy has been finalized by the courts. I suspect then we should be able to write ...
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Spam filtering, virus blocking, referrals
We've added club and personal alias spam filtering and virus blocking. Both are on by default so you should see fewer spam and virus messages almost immediately. You can control these features by going to your Preferences or Club Configuration pages. To learn more, please ...
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club_cafe: Re: Re: Re: Calculating Total and Average Return on Investment
Jim: I have both positive and negative numbers on the cash flow. I started with the first date and used negative numbers for the cost items and positive numbers for the money we received earnings or current value of the investment. Still not sure why ...
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