club_cafe: Dividends
Yes, dividends (and other income and expense) impact the cost basis of the members in your club. However, the method for accounting for that change is somewhat different from that used by mutual funds. Within bivio, the cost basis adjustment is made on December 31 ...
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Do dividends impact the cost basis of the members in our club? It seems that because dividends raise the value of the share price, they would have to be paid out as a distribution (like a mutual fund) in order to impact cost basis. Then ...
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how come people join investment clubs and other such clubs knowing that there not going to put there all into it!!!
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Re: Scottrade. My club uses Scottrade and would like to see it accepted by Bivio for accounting purposes. R.K. Meaders Grove Investment Club
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Muriel Siebert
We have chosen Muriel Siebert as the broker for our new club -- any chance this broker will be added to the bivio family so that we can use the Account Sync option? Jan Dickson
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Stock Split - Cash in lieu of fractional shares
Instructions ; Enter amt of cash rcvd and the Account the money was deposited into. I am not sure what account this $ should deposited in. Any suggestions? Ray Marchand
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v3.9 of
Folks, we have just updated - Now you can share judgment and stock analysis with friends or other club members. - The analysis portion is more graphical As always your feedback is appreciated Thanks Rajiv
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CNBC Expose on NAIC
If you saw the report on the NAIC this afternoon on CNBC, you are probably as disappointed and disgusted as I am. For those who didn't get a chance to see the report, NAIC, an alleged not for profit organization, is being investigated by the ...
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Socially and Environmentally Conscious Co.
Can someone point me to a site that identifies such companies?
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Dissolution of club
Hi, Our club is in the process of dissolving by year-end and in doing so we have a few questions. 1) How long does Bivio retain our records? 2) How do we make a backup copy of our records to our hard drive and/or CD, ...
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Valuation Reports & Options
I recently subscribed to Bivio due to the addition of option accounting. I noticed that after an expiration month has passed, historical valuation reports show my options as $0.00 An example, I owned GM Sept 42.5 Calls and when I now run a valuation report ...
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Problems with Buy And Hold
Over the last couple years I have noticed some problems with the Buy And Hold service. Reinvestments are not handled correctly, and some balances are not reported correctly. Has anyone else been having this problem? Can anyone suggest a more reliable firm to handle our ...
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Every time we make a change in our club, the broker needs signatures from all members. As we have 30 members living all over the area, it is not easy at all to fulfull this requirement. Is there a simple way to handle this problem? ...
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How to do a merger on Compucom systems (CMPC)
The problem is it was bought out and the new company is not listed. It's not a public traded company. should I just put it is a company I sold? Thank you!
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How do people form clubs on here???
I cant find any local members who wanna invest?? Are there clubs out there I can join??? If so HOW?!?!?! I'd love to start my own but dont know how to attract fellow investors??? I dont really care where they're from. Any ideas or helpful ...
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