club_cafe: Re: Uploading SSG
> The files I have a problem with are from one person who has > assured me that they were uploaded with a .ssg extension. Forget the assurances. Have you checked what the extension actually is? It's possible that the extension was changed during upload ...
1 message
Option Express
Can someone with account at Option Express tell me of any pros or cons with their experience with them? Thanks for your time and imput. Joe
2 messages
club_cafe: State Taxes & Bivio
>>As the fairly new treasurer of our club, we were with ICLUB (and NOCA) until last month. When I took over at the beginning of the year, we had purchased both the Federal and State (MA) tax printers, thus making that process fairly 'hands off'. ...
1 message
State Taxes & Bivio
As the fairly new treasurer of our club, we were with ICLUB (and NOCA) until last month. When I took over at the beginning of the year, we had purchased both the Federal and State (MA) tax printers, thus making that process fairly 'hands off'. ...
1 message
Ameritrade 6 decimal places!
Since February my Quicken has been downloading 6 decimal places on some mutual fund trades. Has anyone else noticed this! Thanks, Joe
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club_cafe: Charitable contribution
>>In the aftermath of Hurricanes Katarina and Rita our investment club voted to send a donation to Habitat for Humanity. How do I enter this expense. Under deductible charitable expenses, it has 30% Limit Organization and 50% Limit Organization. What do they mean? Do I ...
1 message
Charitable contributions
I am resending this email, as I received a response from John Medio who said he is no longer working with Gewarges 7 Assoc. and I should contact Noel Gewarges ar the above email address. In the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita our investment ...
1 message
Charitable contribution
In the aftermath of Hurricanes Katarina and Rita our investment club voted to send a donation to Habitat for Humanity. How do I enter this expense. Under deductible charitable expenses, it has 30% Limit Organization and 50% Limit Organization. What do they mean? Do I ...
1 message
Conflicting Bivio Reports
I'm confused as to why our Bivio reports are conflicting. The Valuation Report states that we have an unrealized gain on our First Data Corp shares, but the Investment Performance Report states that we have a negative annualized return on these shares. I checked the ...
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Transferring from NOCA
If anyone could help me. How do I save my data from NAIC Online accounting and transfer it to Bivio? I am having a challenge with it. You can email me at melvin
2 messages
Archive Data
Our club is at 65% of our storage limit. I'm sure that's due to more than 4 years of emails being stored. Is there a way to archive those and download them so that we can still keep them on a local machine, but they ...
4 messages
club_cafe: K-1 Forms.
>>We have two club members who are having difficulty dealing with the IRS over their K-1 returns. Apparently, the IRS does not allow decimals on K-1 forms. IRS employees often don't type in the decimals and the numbers show an error in taxes paid/claimed. Can ...
1 message
K-1 Forms.
We have two club members who are having difficulty dealing with the IRS over their K-1 returns. Apparently, the IRS does not allow decimals on K-1 forms. IRS employees often don't type in the decimals and the numbers show an error in taxes paid/claimed. Can ...
1 message
seeking new investment club
hi, i am from long island , new york, and the club i am in is going to be disbanding in a few months. i am looking for a new club locally to invest with this year. if any one knows of one please contact ...
2 messages
searching for a new investment club
hi, i am from long island , new york & the investment club i am in will be disbanding in a few months and i am looking for a new one to join this year , if anyone knows of one please contact me at ...
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