Crow River Website Updated
Hello all, Just a quick note to let you know we updated the Crow River Investment Club website. We have a new look and a new layout. We removed a few things and added others. It's a good place to go for club education ideas. ...
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Adding / Removing members
It seems easy enough to add or remove members on Bivio's site, but what needs to be done to make this right with the IRS?
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NAIC Data Import To bivio
For clubs importing their NAIC data into bivio, please let us know if you find discrepancies in your data after import. Typically this is a result of the data conversion process and we can fix the error and resolve the discrepancies. If you run into ...
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Form 8893-What if we signed this form last year?
Somehow last year our club concluded that we should sign Form 8893. Now we realize that this is mostly a bother to us and by signing this form we are merely making life easier for the IRS. Must we resubmit the form again this year ...
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Import Trades
Is it possible to create a .txt or some other type of file with standardized trade information that could be imported into Bivio? Our club makes several trades and our broker is not on the list for account sync. I spend quite a bit of ...
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Looking for a club to join in Hartford CT
I am looking for an investment club to join in Hartfod CT. If you are a club looking for new members, please email me at
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state tax forms
Does our club have to file a state tax return if we are out of Indiana? If so, do you know which forms we will need to use. Thanks, Jason H.
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club_cafe: Cost of a share
In a message dated 3/22/2006 8:37:49 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: Our club bought some stocks today, and the broker gave the following information about the transaction: Bought 50 XXX @27.7952 (1400.75 was subtracted from our account) (50 times 27.7952 = 1389.76 plus the ...
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IRS tax forms
I have printed out the individual full withdrawl in cash forms for our members who left the club and were paid off in Jan. 2005. Where do I print out a copy of the IRS form to give these members to use with their 2005 ...
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cash journa.
I have used CA2 and have used naic accounting for 10 years and am trying out Bivio. I don't find a cash journal. What do you use to find errors between your valuation statement and the brokerage account.
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Anonymous email forwarding stopped for users
We have disabled email forwarding through aliases for users (not clubs) from non-bivio addresses. This will eliminate most of anonymous spam. You may still get spammed from viruses, if one of your club members gets a virus on his or her machine. If you ...
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More Club Reports Available!
Hi everyone, A club member and I are heading for the NAIC Iowa Education Fair this weekend. We were asked to providing "dueling director" stock reports. I just uploaded complete reports to our Crow River website, if you are interested. Go to and click ...
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MBNA-Bank of America Merger
Our club held 48.15214 shares of MBNA. In the merger, we received 24 shares of BAC, $198.62 cash, and $5.54 cash in lieu of fractional share. How should this be recorded in Bivio? Thanks, Jan Penland
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Tax Filing
I know this is probably a dumb question, but do I file the K1's with the federal 1065. I cannot remeber if I just send in the 1065 and attachements, and include copies of the k1's or not. Steve
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club_cafe: Tax question
No, you do not have to submit forms that do not contain data. Ira Smilovitz In a message dated 3/6/2006 6:19:01 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: The documents that appear when I click on "Download Club's Complete Tax Documents" are Form 1065, a K-1 ...
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