Account Sync entries
Why can't account sync enter in the type column that a dividend is a qualified dividend. It enters it in the remark box instead??? Thanks DPR
2 messages
Member Withdrawl Question?
Hi guys, I went threw the process of Member withdrawl to see what payout would be for the member. All information was good we are paying out in stock as much as we can and the rest a check. So I printed out the form ...
1 message
Cendent distribution
How do I enter the Cendent Distribution of Realogy and Wyndhan? I know the amount of stock I received for both, but I don't know what to do to add 2 plus reduce the tax basis of Cendant. Thanks Sam
6 messages
club_cafe: individual paying fees
In a message dated 9/4/2006 8:35:30 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: Our club has an agreement that any fees incurred from bouncing checks are to be paid by the member who caused the fee in the first place. Does everyone get credit for the ...
11 messages
club_cafe: Re: Re: individual paying fees
In a message dated 9/4/2006 11:32:03 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: Rip West wrote: > You have a couple of choices. You could do as you suggest. If we do it as an investment by the Treasurer, would we be better off using the ...
1 message
individual paying fees
Our club has an agreement that any fees incurred from bouncing checks are to be paid by the member who caused the fee in the first place. Does everyone get credit for the expense of the fee? How do we allocate the payment of the ...
2 messages
Seems like emails do not easily flow through from Ameritrade Portfolio Alerts daily to Bivio. Even though I turn th filters off, Bivio is still blocking these emails. Is there a way for me to have all emails pass through Bivio instead of storing them ...
2 messages
Sweep Money Market Interest
Our club uses TD Ameritrade as our broker and we use Bivio's automatic posting system. This system works great except for the posting of our money market interest. We have to manually enter that information monthly. Do others have this problem or is it just ...
2 messages
Stock Evaluation
My club is currentlly in the process of revising and reframing our stock evaluation sheet. We rejected the SSG of NAIC a long time ago - the ladies just couldn't get the hang of it. Our current form (that we put together ourselves) relies too ...
9 messages
club_cafe: Dividends
In a message dated 8/10/2006 1:08:33 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: When we receive dividends, how do I know if they are Qualified Dividends or just Dividends. Also, a company paid us a dividend that is tax exempt according to our broker of more ...
1 message
When we receive dividends, how do I know if they are Qualified Dividends or just Dividends. Also, a company paid us a dividend that is tax exempt according to our broker of more shares of stock rather than money. How do I record this in ...
2 messages
exiting member
We have one member who wants to leave our club on Dec. 31, 2006. Instead of selling off stock, we would like to buy her out and divide her percentage among some or all of the members. How do we do this?
4 messages
I need some insite before, this is going to happen
We are a 7 year old club, ten members. It looks like we will be loseing a member so I want to try to get a jump start on things to make this transaction as smooth for him and the club. When a members leaves ...
3 messages
The One Minute Treasurer(tm)
We've been talking about how easy bivio is for some time now. Well, we've come up with a concept to make bivio even easier. This is a pre-announcement of a product we are working on called The One Minute Treasurer(tm). It will allow you to ...
11 messages
new club
I am looking to join an investment club in or around chicago. If anyone is looking, please email me at
1 message