bivio club web pages, Yahoo! Finance, & IFRAME
Yahoo! Finance has a feature that allows you to retrieve data from Yahoo and display it on your own web page. They call it a "Finance Badge". It's described at: This lets you display quotes & news for a particular stock or stocks, like ...
7 messages
How big is bivio now, anyway?
The bivio press page at: quotes a Bloomberg Personal Finance article as saying that bivio had more than 8,000 subscriber clubs covering 51,000 members. But that was almost 5 years ago, at the end of 2001. How many clubs belong to bivio now? Mike ...
1 message
expenses spred around?
Lets say I spend $20.00 on stamps etc., A Co-Partner spends $150.00 on a computer mainly for club use. and another spends what ever on what ever (log book, paper). HOW DOES ONE GET CREDIT FOR THE DEDUCTION as an expense? Is there a place ...
3 messages
club_cafe: Tracking individual investment on Quicken
In a message dated 9/29/2006 7:33:35 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: Gene's right, you will own a percentage of the entire value of the club. Just like with Mutual Funds, your monthly contribution will buy "units" in the club. The valuation statement and member ...
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Tracking individual investment on Quicken
I am joining an investment club in October. While I totally understand the group mentality as far as investing is concerned, my husband wants me to track our individual portion of the club on Quicken with the rest of our financial investments. I'm a little ...
3 messages
club_cafe: Tracking individual investment on Quicken
In a message dated 9/29/2006 5:54:38 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: I am joining an investment club in October. While I totally understand the group mentality as far as investing is concerned, my husband wants me to track our individual portion of the club ...
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ManifestInvesting link on Investments page
Thanks for adding the link to ManifestInvesting from the Investments page. Saves me the trouble of maintaining a separate dashboard at Any chance of getting the link to include the cash balance from bivio in the dashboard? -Jim Thomas
9 messages
considering bivio...would love your input...
Hi there. I've setup a trial account and I've been tinkering with the site for a couple days now. I'd like to get some opinions from existing club owners/members. I have four main areas of interest (there might be more I just haven't thought about) ...
7 messages
How To Turn Off the Email for a Soon To Be Ex-Partner?
Fellow Bivio members, I have a partner who is withdrawing. According to our Partnership Agreement (PA), her resignation was accepted at the last meeting. Her final valuation will be set with the October 06 meeting. So she is still officially part of our club until ...
6 messages
club_cafe: How to read & interpret Income, Cash Flow & Balance Sheets?
In a message dated 9/22/2006 1:11:46 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: The Moneta Investment Club of Baltimore, MD is looking for someone (preferably with an accounting background) who can walk us through the actual documents we downloaded from company websites. We're looking to use ...
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How to read & interpret Income, Cash Flow & Balance Sheets?
The Moneta Investment Club of Baltimore, MD is looking for someone (preferably with an accounting background) who can walk us through the actual documents we downloaded from company websites. We're looking to use them as a complement to our SSGs and other research. Our readings ...
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fines and s.s.#
We charge late fees etc. Is there a spot where a $20.00 fine is deducted in the ledger, there by lowering the unit % for that member? Must we include the social security number on our club site reports, to get a proper year end ...
3 messages
Looking for new members in the Hudson Valley area of New York.
We are an established investment club in the Poughkeepsie, NY area that is looking for a few good new members. If you are interested in joining us please send an email to: Thanks, Dave
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club_cafe: fines and s.s.#
In a message dated 9/20/2006 12:20:08 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: We charge late fees etc. Is there a spot where a $20.00 fine is deducted in the ledger, there by lowering the unit % for that member? A fine should not remove units ...
2 messages
Comments on using Bivio for investment partnership accounting (non-Investment Club)
Hello - Has anyone used Bivio's services for accounting for an investment partnership (LP) that is not an investment club? If so, could you provide any comments? I am more interested in the functionality of the ActivePartnership service of Bivio, and not the legalities of ...
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