I have made several transactions in my Ameritrade account on Friday and Monday that are not reflected at Bivio as of almost 8 am. I did change my email address on Friday but updated it at Bivio. Is there a problem that maybe I am ...
1 message
Maryland State tax
If I use bivio, how do I prepare the club state (MD) taxes? Is that difficult? How much time (8-10 members) thanks, Etana
1 message
Club tax records
We have paper records from 1996 to present. 1. How many years of records do we need to keep? 2. What do we need to keep in paper? Thanks, Etana The Stockettes
1 message
Amortizing Expenses (accounting for a computer purchase)
Our club is purchasing a computer solely for investing/creating investor reports. There would be significant tax advantages if we could properly expense it as a deductible expense. Does anyone know how to do this? I assume it has to be amortized using MACRS. But I ...
6 messages
Member doesn't want to receive emails
From what I see, there is no way to take a member off of the mailing list for the club without taking them offline. I have a member who doesn't like receiving email from the club because he is not very computer litterate and doesn't ...
4 messages
club_cafe: member withdrawal
In a message dated 6/16/2007 2:53:37 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: << You can "pay" the withdrawal form the Suspense account when you run the withdrawal report. Then when the AutoSync transaction appears, convert it to a cash transfer to the Suspense account. >> ...
7 messages
club_cafe: member withdrawal
In a message dated 6/16/2007 4:16:01 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: I don't get it. Why would you have to do anything except delete the AutoSynch entry? The information on the WD entry is already to correct as to date paid, amount, and removal ...
2 messages
club_cafe: member withdrawal
In a message dated 6/16/2007 10:03:16 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: How do I enter a member withdrawal and NOT have our account debited twice? Once when I run the member witdrawal report and again when the withdrawing member's pay out check clears the ...
2 messages
member withdrawal
How do I enter a member withdrawal and NOT have our account debited twice? Once when I run the member witdrawal report and again when the withdrawing member's pay out check clears the borker account. I know that I can wait for a transaction, such ...
3 messages
Info on Valuation Statement
Is there any way to set the info on the Valuation Statement to include purchase date. Our club members would like to have the date of first purchase of the stocks (or valuation since date) on the Valuation Report. It was in the old accounting ...
3 messages
club_cafe: TD Ameritrade Update
6/12/07 TD Ameritrade update: I spoke to a TD Ameritrade Tech Desk rep today. He comes from the TD Waterhouse side. He is not only aware of the problem, he TOTALLY GETS IT. He said TD Ameritrade is aware of this issue as well and ...
1 message
TD Ameritrade Update
6/12/07 TD Ameritrade update: I spoke to a TD Ameritrade Tech Desk rep today. He comes from the TD Waterhouse side. He is not only aware of the problem, he TOTALLY GETS IT. He said TD Ameritrade is aware of this issue as well and ...
1 message
Campaign for ticker symbols
I use Quicken. I download statements from my Brokerage firm. I check quotes. I use some of the websites for graphs. I place Buy and Sell orders. In every instance, you had better know the ticker symbol. In Quicken and my brokerage statement my positions ...
1 message
Withdrawal valuation
Hi, I just entered a partial withdrawal for one of our club members. We handled the partial withdrawal by transferring stocks to the member's account. On the Withdrawal form, I used the settlement date shown in our broker statement, and I entered the dollar figure ...
3 messages
Account Sync and TD Ameritrade-- Call for Action
Listen up all of you TD Ameritrade customers: I'm following up on Lynn Ostrem's call to action for all Firstrade customers. It's also time for TD Ameritraders to speak up on behalf of the AccountSync program! This morning I contacted TD Ameritrade by email and ...
11 messages