E-filing options
Please forgive me in advance if the following question has already been asked and answered: Is it possible to E-File our Federal and State Tax Forms? I ran a bivioogle on "E-File" but there is no answer in the archives! Thank you. Bob Hooper New ...
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Buying and selling stocks between meetings
My club is interested in know how other groups handle buying and/or selling stocks between meetings. Do any of you have procedures that you follow?
2 messages
club_cafe: Re: Colorado Tax Return - Non-residents
Colorado source income is income derived from a business that operates in Colorado or from tangible real or personal assets located in Colorado. Stocks and bonds are intangible assets and therefore the income from them has no "source". CO nonresidents do not have to file ...
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club_cafe: Colorado Tax Return - Non-residents
Your investment club does not have any Colorado income if it invests only in common stocks and bonds. Ira Smilovitz In a message dated 03/12/08 12:35:35 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: Our investment club is registered in Colorado, but we have members from out ...
2 messages
Colorado Tax Return - Non-residents
Our investment club is registered in Colorado, but we have members from out of state. The Bivio Colorado Tax return has this for all non residents. I agree to file a 2007 Colorado income tax return and make timely payment of all taxes imposed by ...
1 message
Removing club guests.
How does one remove guests? We have a lot of old guests that need to be purged from the roster. Thanks, CM
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club_cafe: Pa tax return
When the tax page says "Download the club's complete PA tax document" Ira Smilovitz In a message dated 03/11/08 7:27:17 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: It's now the 11th of March and the BIVIO tax message still says that PA tax returns will be ...
1 message
Pa tax return
It's now the 11th of March and the BIVIO tax message still says that PA tax returns will be available in early March. Any Idea when they really will be ready
1 message
club_cafe: Meal expenses
Ira Our Operating Agreement (By Laws for an LLC) states "Regular meetings shall be held at noon at the first Tuesday of each month. Lunch shall precede the business meeting and shall be paid for by the Treasurer from Company Funds. Special meetings may be ...
3 messages
club_cafe: FW: club_cafe: Meal expenses
Sorry, but you're wrong. You do not conduct "business" as that is defined in the tax code. Your lunch expenses are nondeductible. In fact, if you were a business and meeting like this, your meal expenses would still be nondeductible. Secondly, unless the location where ...
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club_cafe: Re: Meal expenses
No, it's not being overly conservative. An investment club is not a business operation. It does not provide goods or services to others. Therefore, its deductions are limited to those that would be deductible for an individual making the same investments and those which are ...
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club_cafe: Meal expenses
I'm not sure why I would have referenced those pages with regard to (dis-)allowed expenses. Instead look at pages 35-37. The only deductible expenses are those that are directly related to the production of taxable income. Eating a meal isn't one of them. That's a ...
2 messages
club_cafe: NJ Tax Return Question
Investment clubs ARE hedge funds under NJ law. See the instructions for the NJ-1065. Ira Smilovitz In a message dated 03/08/08 1:42:45 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: Why is the box for Hedge Fund checked on my club's NJ tax return? I don't recall ...
1 message
club_cafe: State Tax Question
What state? Not that it really matters. You can generally use any number you want as the percentage isn't used for anything. Ira Smilovitz In a message dated 03/08/08 11:56:10 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: Does anyone know what owndership percentage of capital gain/loss ...
1 message
Meal expenses
Ira.. Several weeks ago you advised that meal expenses were not deductible and quoted IRS Pub 550, pages 26 & 27. I looked this over and couldn't find any reference to expensing. Could you please help me out on this? Arthur Klages, Treas. Senior Investment ...
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