Posted SSGs
Been advised that posted SSGs when opened -page one have the 3 lines at different positions on the page. Ray Marchand
2 messages
import into turbo tax?
Hi, I created a club mid year last year so half of my stock gains will be from my personal scottrade account while the other half will be in the club. Does anyone know of the best way to handle this? I'm using Turbo Tax ...
2 messages
Duplicate Transactions/Scottrade/AccountSync
Yesterday we made two transactions in Scottrade, and both came over in duplicate through AccountSync. This seems odd, and has never happened before. Has anyone else seen this?
2 messages
Current Price/share adjustment
Hello, How to change the current price/share in the valuation report? Since the current price /share in the TD Ameritarde does not agree with Bivio for the BRKB stock. Thanks Baskar
2 messages
club_cafe: New Members and the Partnership Agreement
We just add a letter signed by the new member stating that s/he has received a copy of the partnership agreement and agrees to its terms. When we modify the PA, we attach a page stating what the changes are and that it was adopted ...
1 message
New Members and the Partnership Agreement
I am in the process of forming a club but have four people who are going to join next year. When a new person joins does everyone have to resign the Partnership Agreement again or is there a way around it? We have a couple ...
1 message
club_cafe: California Tax Submission
I'm missing the basic info of where to file, and what documents are submitted with our California return. Bivio used to supply this with the old premium service. They may still - I just can't find it. Does it go to Franchise Tax Board, PO ...
2 messages
CBH Merger into TD not handled correctly by Account Sync.
Did anyone have the CBH/TD Merger get handled properly by Account Sync? We use ScottTrade, it came over as: Sold our shares for the $10.50 in cash No new shares of TD (should be 20) in our account. John
1 message
Phi;;ip Morris
We own shares of Altria and the stock has had a spinnoff of shares of Phillip Morris International. I don't see any update of this transcation in our valuation report. Do I have to mannually enter the spinnoff or will it be updated automatically through ...
2 messages
club_cafe: Taxation
In a message dated 04/03/08 7:47:49 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: Hello, This might be a stupid question considering I have been part of an Investment Club for three years. Better now than later. My friends and I run an Investment Club. We have ...
1 message
Hello, This might be a stupid question considering I have been part of an Investment Club for three years. Better now than later. My friends and I run an Investment Club. We have only made contributions since its inception in early 2005 and never taken ...
1 message
California Tax Filing
Hi, I'm missing the basic info of where to file, and what documents are submitted with our California return. Bivio used to supply this with the old premium service - they may still - I just can't find it. Does it go to Franchise Tax ...
1 message
Check Lost in the Mail
4-1-08 - Our club recently initiated the penny payment system. This is working out great. One month one of the member's check for dues got lost in the mail to our brokerage. Is the Club responsible since the Club mailed the check? How should we ...
3 messages
Check Lost in the Mail
4-1-08 - Our club recently initiated the penny payment system. This is working out great. One month one of the member's check for dues got lost in the mail to our brokerage. Is the Club responsible since the Club mailed the check? How should we ...
1 message
Price updates
We are inputting stocks as we buy them. We assuemde that bivio would update price changes. Is this something we have to do manually? Thanks for your assistance. Johnny
3 messages