Stock Selection Guide
How can I get access to this analysis tool? Please advise
8 messages
toolkit 5
I am considering toolkit 5. does it work separately from bivio? does it work with bivio? what do people think of this product? how will it help me most? Deannie
4 messages
OK. No help with toolkit 5, how 'bout the annual self audit. I have done it each year but i don't have a good method. anyone have a system that qualifies as proper accounting? Deannie
3 messages
Question for TD Ameritrade clients
Our club wants to add a person but we do not know the proper way to inform our broker, TD Ameritrade. I have emailed and called TD a few times but have been given different answers. Please let me know what you have done to ...
4 messages
Our Investment Club, Pyramid 350, according to Bivio calculations, has a posted annualized rate of return (IRR) of 18.1% since 12/31/2006. Where does this performance rank us among other investment clubs? Within the Bivio monitored clubs, what is the average and what is the highest ...
3 messages
Homepage and Secure lock
How do I cutomize the homepage for our group? Does the secure lock need to be on before you access the site? Thanks
3 messages
club_cafe: Question for TD Ameritrade clients
You don't need to add them to your account. As long as TD Ameritrade has the names of the one or two people who will be placing orders, that's all they need. Ira Smilovitz In a message dated 05/31/2008 12:12:09 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, ...
1 message
What is the maximum number of members allowed in a stock club partnership? A number of years ago I understood that the maximum number was 15 and that restriction was put in place to satisfy an IRS requirement for partnership tax reporting. But -- it ...
4 messages
How to add new member
Greetings, We have a few people interested in joining our group. Unfortunately, the only thing we have in place in our Partnership Agreement referencing new members is that they have to voted in by majority of the club. Will some of you please share how ...
7 messages
Question regarding deposit of checks
Greetings, I really appreciate the input in this forum! We are new to Investment Clubs (could you guess?) and we are depositing checks into Scottrade. My question is that is there anything I should be concerned about when members pay for other members? In other ...
2 messages
Member Withdrawal and Addition of New Members
Our club has a situation where several members would like to withdraw, and at the same time we have several members who would like to join our club. Should these be treated as separate transactions, or is it possible for a new member to pay ...
4 messages
Annual of Audit of Club Records
I am trying to get all the stuff I need for the annual audit. Does anyone out there have any suggestions about how they do the audit and what reports I need? I see that last year's audit went over the Cah journal listing. That ...
6 messages
error on member"s withdrawal - it was deducted twice
I am the incoming treasurer for our club. The outgoing treasurer is leaving our club and made a mistake which caused her cashout to be deducted twice, once as a non-deductible expense and once as a full withdrawal. How should I fix this??? Also, what ...
3 messages
We are a new club with no checking account. I have paid for all of the expenses up front. Everybody in the club has deposited their first payment. I entered the expenses and the payment as per the help topic "Out of Pocket Expenses". The ...
6 messages
Rolling over a 401(k) to IRA suggestions
I recently changed employers. In the past, I have rolled my 401(k) into my new employer's plan, but this time I am considering rolling it into an IRA. Does anyone have advice on doing this? What are the pitfalls (I understand the tax implications of ...
2 messages