registration revoked
I have been reading about registration revoked , it happened to one of my stocks, can you tell me if its worthless now ticker symbol is XCLT, registration was revoked on 10/24/08. thanks JL
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Account Sync Not Updating
Hello, Will someone please advise why the accountsync is not functioning for my account. Everything is entered, user name, pw, and etrade as our broker is selected. thanks
4 messages
Stock BUCY does not automatically update
BIVIO has the stock as a Unlisted Investments and I have to manually give it a value. How do I correct this? Thanks,
2 messages
Barr Labs/Teva merger
Our club owned 100 shares of Barr Labs (BRL). On 12/23/08 Teva Pharmaceuticals (TEVA) aquired Barr Labs. We received 62 shares of TEVA and $3990.00. There was also a $20.00 fee associated with the transaction at ETrade. How do I enter this transaction in bivio? ...
3 messages
Unidentified transactions
I receive a notice from bivio everytime we make a deposit that requests that I classify the source and type of deposit or withdraw. When I go to do that, I am given the option via a drop-down window to select account transfer, multiple payment, ...
3 messages
Looking for Avi Horwitz
I'm working on the BI DC Chapter Spring 2009 newsletter, and would like a better photo of Avi who will be teaching here in the spring (lucky us!) I'd like his email address, so Avi if you are reading this, or anyone who wouldn't mind ...
1 message
Our club disbanded and withdrawals were completed 10/24/08. We retained come cash in the account for expenses and all dividends should be paid by end December. We don't want to renew our BIVIO subscription just to prepare taxes. Do we use the 2007 software and ...
2 messages
Withdrawal at Tax Time
I just received a withdrawal request from a club member, and before I process it in accordance with our agreement, I want to be sure it won't mess up the year end tax computation. I would be writing the withdrawal check the first week in ...
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Tiny text
uh, suddenly my bivio site, including my valuation report are in tiny text. where do i change that? Deannie
2 messages
It's nearing tax time and i'm trying to remember how this works. i pay club dues and that includes tax download? is that right? i'v e received no notices other than my Better Investimg renewal notices for member ship there . does my beterr investing ...
3 messages
Easy Import from CAO & CA3
bivio is happy to announce we are now compatible with all ICLUBcentral Club Accounting products. All you have to do is use CAO or CA3's export feature and import into bivio's one step import form. Now it is EVEN EASIER to get $50 off your ...
1 message
Brokerage Question
Hey, do you guys have any suggestions/ recommendations on a discount brokerage? We are currently using etrade and have had a good experience, but it'd be nice to have lower commissions. Thanks for any advice!
5 messages
Georgia State Taxes
Is Georgia on the list for addition of state tax form? We are about to subscribe to Bivio, but sure would like to have that in addition to federal tax form.
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Valuation Dates
I am the treasurer for an investment club which started this pass May. I have just read that the valuation date for member payments need to be on the same day each month. We have been using the transaction date as the valuation date for ...
7 messages
Changing Treasurers
I am stepping down as treasurer. How do I set up my replacement as administrator?
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