Snapshop and Timebased Allocations
Hi: I've been reading about tax allocation methods, and my current impression is that the more commonly used methods accepted by the IRS are the Layered and Aggregate methods. ( I was wondering if anybody knew if the Snapshop and Timebased allocation methods supported by ...
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merger of two clubs
I belong to two investment clubs. We have approved a merger of the two clubs. What would be the accounting process. One club is using Bivio and the other Naic club accounting.
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1099 deadline changed
Heads up for all treasurers. The deadline for issuing 1099s is now February 15 and not January 31. This was part of the TARP legislation and is a permanent change to the tax code. Be prepared for irate club members when you delay issuing their ...
3 messages
Filing Taxes
Our club was started on August 20, 1963. We do not file taxes as a club, but individually. In 1997 the IRS declared that Investment Clubs that were formed before 1997 would continue to file separately, and their rules would not change. Will we have ...
6 messages
Annual Transaction Limit
What happens if our club hits the "400 transactions/yr." limit during a specific subscription year. Will we be locked out of our club? What will it cost to add transactions to our account? Will we be notified? Thanks, Ed Stein CentralWestEnd Investment Club Treasurer
1 message
Dissolving Investment Club and 1065
We are dissolving our investment club, FOG. We have a question on Form 1065 line 19a. The instructions state that we have to enter the members valuation and cost basis in this section. The instructions seem to state that the distributed securities will constitute taxable ...
3 messages
Club established as LLC
Our club was established as an LLC instead of a partnership. I took over as treasurer and in previous clubs I was a member of I have always been familiar with the schedule K1 and 1065's. As an LLC can we still distribute income and ...
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Changing treasurers
I have stepped down as treasurer of my club and changed the roster to indicate the new officers. However, I am still getting emails about unidentified transactions, etc. How do I get out of the loop? Judith Greenberg
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MER buyout by BAC
What is the correct way to enter the January 2, 2008 buyout exchange of BAC shares for MER plus cash adjustment for the partial share?
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Can Bivio tax forms be easily editted? What if changes are needed?
My Club has some outside, "other income" (from a settlement) and even a little bit of formalized debt forgiveness. I've entered these transactions into our Bivio accounting, but I don't know where Bivio is going to put them on the Schedule K-1 form. Are the ...
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Site is back up
The rack out our data center tripped a breaker so all our computers were shut down. They are all back up. However, didn't come back up until a little while ago. We are working with our data center company to make sure this doesn't ...
2 messages
TEVA/Barr merger
The automatic entries performed by Bivio in relation to this transaction are not correct, based upon the info provided by Teva --will Bivio modify this automatically, or do I need to go in and redo each lot of shares affected by the merger individually?
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First time doing club taxes
Hi had a quick question with taxes. If we did not have any sell transactions or any dividend income, what forms would we need to submit. Thanks Jason
5 messages
Year End Price for GE
I have just pulled my year end valuation report and it is showing GE at 20.5999, but GE closed today at 16.20. All the other prices in our portfolio are correct.
4 messages
Houston, I have a problem
I've been away from my club for about 2 years and come back to a etrade account that is about 1300.00 more than the bivio account. I've spent hours cleaning thing up and for the life of me I cannot reconcile the difference. What must ...
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