Can you form an investment club for educational purposes and use the proceeds to fund a memorial scholarship?
2 messages
Freddie Mac Litigation Proceeds
Last year our club received $13.65 from a settlement of Freddie Mac Securities Litigation. I recorded that as Miscellaneous Income using Bivio and reported it as Other Portfolio Income on the 1065 Schedule K. I also produced K-1's for the members with that income reported ...
5 messages
cost basis after sale of stock
after the sale of all our PEP, the 'cost basis" is listed at 84,000. as I went thru the process of recording the sale, i didn't do anything with the 'lots". what should i have done with those empty boxes beside each separate "lot"? complicating ...
3 messages
fractional share
Dear guru: We sold PEP and received a check for fractional shares. where do I enter this? I con only find these fractional shares in the stock split link. Am I missing something? Currently I have the $33. as part of a .3 for 1 ...
3 messages
Internal Rate of Return
We are evaluating the ActivePartnership(TM) software for use with our investment club and have a few questions. It appears that we will not able to use/depend on the software to calculate our gains. For instance, when viewing the Investment Performance Report for this year, 22 ...
2 messages
CA Tax Question
Our club is charted as a limited partnership. I filed the documents for the 2008 for CA and the Feds in March. I just got a notice from CA demanding that we pay $800 for an amount equal to the minimum franchise tax. As I ...
6 messages
syncing club bank accounts
Is it possible to sync our clubs administrative bank account with BIVIO? This would allow me to track any club expenses. If not I can manually handle the account. M
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Couple Questions from a Newbie
Good Morning, I have a couple of questions our outgoing treasurer has. First how and what time frame are the percentages calculated for the K-1? We have members that do not want information sent to their homes including their K-1's how are these handled. Are ...
3 messages
1065 for the state of Georgia
Does Georgia require a 1065?
3 messages
adjusted 1099
If I go back and adjust the dividend rec'd, it changes the cash account. As an example, we rec'd it as a cash dividend and it went into the cash account. If I go back and alter it, it will alter the cash account am ...
5 messages
Adjusted 1099's
Help! I am trying to do our taxes. We have rec'd an adjusted 1099. The changes are nondividend distributions (return of capital) So we rec'd a dividend during the year of $50.63. Now they are showing it as a return of capital. Our annual dividends ...
2 messages
1099 2d 28% Rate Gain > Where on Schedule K?
Hello, We have a dividend paying mutual fund we did not sell any shares for 2008. Bivio wants to list $5059.65 as Ordinary Dividends on 1065 6a but I have learned that according to the Schedule 1099 this would not be accurate. Can someone please ...
3 messages
Anyone use NAIC's Portfolio Manager software?
Our club has finally mastered the SSG and would like to expand our studies into PERT. Is this software worth it? Are there any alternatives? Thanks! Alicia Steel Magnolias Investment Club
2 messages
Filing State Returns for Club
We are new to Bivio this year and I was astonished to find out that only the federal return is available and no state returns. In the past we have had a CPA do our taxes and were very excited to get Bivio thinking we ...
3 messages
How to withdraw a member and transfer assets to another member
We have a member who wants to withdraw from the club but transfer all his holdings to another member. How can I do this in Bivio? Any help is appreciated. Mehran
7 messages