return check
I had a member check return for nsf how do i post that and charge them the retun fee also
3 messages
Dividend Don't Appear in Reports
I seem to have run into a problem on Bivio I normally get the financial data for the our club minutes from Bivio going through accounting-reports-transaction ledger. But none of the dividends are showing up in this report and I can't seem to find them ...
3 messages
How do you transfer shares for departing member expediently?
The subject says it all mostly. We have a member departing from our club. We have our account at E*Trade. The member set up an account at E*Trade also. We intend to transfer appreciated stock that is very close to the value of the members ...
4 messages
Member withdrawing
Greetings, I've been down this road once before and messed it up. Just so I get it right this time, I have a member withdrawing. I have the required paperwork to send to Scottrade and request a check for the withdrawing member. As far as ...
1 message
Member withdraw
Greetings, I've been down this road once before and messed it up. Just so I get it right this time, I have a member withdrawing. I have the required paperwork to send to Scottrade and request a check for the withdrawing member. As far as ...
2 messages
Member withdraw
Greetings, I've been down this road once before and messed it up. Just so I get it right this time, I have a member withdrawing. I have the required paperwork to send to Scottrade and request a check for the withdrawing member. As far as ...
1 message
Club disbanding- How to handle close out expense in future year
Our club (Fun Y Money) has voted to disband and we have made all our assets liquid. I understand how to disenroll the memebres one by one drawing down the cash account. The dilemma I foresee is that we'll need to file K-1 and 1065 ...
4 messages
bivio Dozen and Manifest Challenge Club Meeting
Hi Everyone, Mark Robertson has just updated the bivio dozen. These are the top stocks of all the ones that are followed by ManifestInvesting. You can find a link to the list in Marks Expected Returns column on the bivio home page. If you'd like ...
1 message
Webinar on Starting Up With bivio
Hello everyone! If you're new to bivio or new to being a club treasurer you might be interested in joining us Sunday evening, October 18 at 7:30PM EDT. We're doing a webinar on Starting up With bivio. Dave Swierenga, Laurie Frederiksen and Rip West will ...
1 message
Massachusetts State Taxes
We are in the process of evaluating Bivio for use by our club. We have noticed that Bivio generates our federal tax forms but not our state tax forms (Massachusetts). Is there any Massachusetts clubs out there that have experience in doing this? We are ...
2 messages
Member Death
A member passed away. Her two daughters and daughter-in-law are also members.Is there away we can transfer her units to them? Carole
3 messages
new member to existing club
Our club will be entering it's third year in January 2010. We have one member leaving at the end of 2009. I've read the previous buy out questions and understand somewhat the merits of transferring shares of a stock that have gains and assume that ...
2 messages
Marvel (MVL) stock price
Hello, my club ownes Marvel (MVL). According to the buyout offer we are going to get $50 per share. Disney is going to give us $30 per share and the rest in Disney stock to equal $50 per share of stock. Why is Marvel stock ...
1 message
Unassigned credit
I deposited a $500 check to Scottrade to buy 13 shares of Stryker. Account transactions show the $500 as "unassigned credit." Investment transactions show the $617 (cost of Stryker) in parantheses. The account balances show the brokerage account balance as still including the $500. Upon ...
6 messages
State Taxes
I thought that I read in the club cafe last year that bivio was implementing State Taxes for Indiana? Is there a chance that we could see this in the near future? Thanks Garrett W. Smith DSI Asset Management, LLC President
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