Disney Marvel
Is the Disney Marvel merger treated as a 2009 or 2010 tax event?
4 messages
Audit Party
In the webinar presentation the audit worksheet was referenced as being available at the Club Cafe afterward. I am unable to locate it, can someone help? Thanks Bill Harvey
4 messages
Clearwire (CLWR) & Clearwire Rights (CLWRR)
Our club sold our Clearwire Rights (CLWRR) in the month of January 2010. On my valuation dated 1/31/10 I noticed that the Cost Basis for CLWR went down. Was that due to selling the CLWRR? I have never entered CLWRR into BIVIO (it did not ...
6 messages
allocate per partnership exception
Could someone make that explanation a bit clearer to me. example: if a member pays $20 for a Better investing book and the financial partner sends the check, is this box checked or not? the rest of the club does not intend to help her ...
9 messages
Annualized Internal Rate of Return ?
I know bivio shows the Annualized Internal Rate of Return, which is the current price vs the cost basis (plus dividends?) divided by total years we have held the stock, right? Well, where do we see the $ gain? I would like to compare in ...
3 messages
When to print Y/E reports?
If the books have been audited (bivio jibes with bank statements and broker statements), when may Y/E tax reports be printed and mailed?
2 messages
Thank YOu !!
and thank you, Rip, for setting my mind at ease over the "units' issue. deannie
1 message
odd unit adjustments., looking back
hello i am preparing my accounting for the annual audit. i watche dthe webinar receintly and have a new aware ness of what needs to be done. I was checking individual member accounts, for discrep]ancies in the paslt. each 12/31 there has been a unit ...
2 messages
odd unit adjustments., looking back
hello i am preparing my accounting for the annual audit. i watche dthe webinar receintly and have a new aware ness of what needs to be done. I was checking individual member accounts, for discrep]ancies in the paslt. each 12/31 there has been a unit ...
1 message
can't login to our club website
Hello, I am a member of Profs for Profit, an investment club organized in Iowa. I am unable to log in to my club's website. The system continually responds with a demo club, not my investment club. Do you have any ideas? Thank you, Paula ...
2 messages
Where is SSL encryption for bivio?
I don't see the option now for SSL encryption. With our modern computers and high speed connection, I believe that the default for SSL should be enabled. Even if you want to provide for older computers , I believe that SSL enabled should be the ...
11 messages
club_cafe: 1099 shows hidden income/charge
Hi, Just to be sure that I understand, I am assuming that this 'fee' did not appear on your December statement, but does appear on your January statement. Is that right. If so, I would enter the amount as a deductible expense as of 12/31/09. ...
3 messages
Club Taxes
Anyone know when we will be able to do the club taxes with BIVIO or did I miss an e-mail?
5 messages
Merrill Lynch
Is there an interface with Merrill Lynch an Bivio?
2 messages
Building a club website
I am no expert in web design, or technology for that matter! <G> But I would like to comment on Ellen's recommendation for a blog. I visited each club blog she sited as examples, and both of them directed me to their respective websites, elsewhere. ...
3 messages