partnership disolved
We have disolved our partnership and I'm not sure how to report this on my tax return. It seems like it will be on Schedule D, as sale of investment property. Is that correct?
3 messages
Indiana Tax
Is the Indiana tax printer avaialbe and what is the charge for a state tax printer?
5 messages
Sat. Night
I did not know if you would be at the club tonight so I wanted to ask what time we should be over for dinner tomorrow? I really had a great time with Amy and Aaron yesterday. I am so happy to have some kids ...
1 message
1065 Tax Form
On page 3 of the 1065 Tax Form, question 5 asks if the club filed From 8893. Should this form be filed every year?
3 messages
1065 Taxe Form
On page 2 of the 1065 report, schedule B, Other Information, Question 3b, it is marked Yes. Not any of our members own 50% or more in the profit, loss, or capital of the partnership. Page 6, Schedule B-1, Part ll, It lists four of ...
2 messages
1065 federal forms for 2009
Individuals or Estates Owning 50% or More of the Partnership (Form 1065, Schedule B, Question 3b) I believe there is a problem. The federal form has 7 lines and the program filled in 7 member's data but did not create an attachment for everyone else. ...
13 messages
Withdrawal reports
Afternoon, After printed out our 2009 tax reports, I noticed that I have only one withdrawal report which I should have three for the tzx year 2009. When i go to reports there is one there but does not look like the one that printed ...
4 messages
Suggestion: "Reply to All" button instead of "reply"
More than once I have , or someone in the club has, 'replied' to an email in the club mail and told something confidential to the whole club. Has anyone ever aired this concern? we are trained by our servers that we can reply one ...
3 messages
Is the dividend for VFINX considered "Qualified"? It was my belief that it is not a qualified dividend. On our Consolidated 1099 TDA includes the VFINX dividend as "qualified". What's the scoop? Bob Hooper New Pueblo Investment Club Tucson, AZ
7 messages
Challenge Club Meeting Tonight
Just a reminder that the ManifestInvesting Challenge Club is meeting online tonight at 8PM. All are welcome to join in. Register at Tonights agenda will include: 1. Treasurer's Report (Laurie Frederiksen) Cash-on-hand is: Combined: $7035.55 2. Dashboard Status View the current dashboards at ...
5 messages
Suntech Power Holdings
Morning, I noticed on our Dec 2009 TDAmeritrade statement that we were charged $2.20 due to a cash dividend Adr Service fee? Just want to make sure that I put this under the correct charge place.
3 messages
Withdrawal Report
I am our club's treasurer for the last several years, but I am new to Bivio. We just switched from iClub in late 2009 based on Bivio's support for Options. We only do Covered Calls. My question is: Where is the Withdrawal Report for those ...
2 messages
Disney/Marvel Merger
We have previously announced that the Disney/Marvel acquisition was completed on 12/31/09, and thus should be recorded in 2009. The brokers are reporting this in 2010. This can make a difference because this transaction may be taxable, depending on the circumstances. I have a request ...
1 message
Is there a place on your site that we can view a previous webinar? I didn't know if you were taping them and putting it on your site? Thanks, Deb
2 messages
Is there a place on your site that we can view a previous webinar? I didn't know if you were taping them and putting it on your site? Thanks, Deb
1 message