There was talk earlier this summer about the problems of clubs investing in REITs due to tax filing. I believe it was said that the club will have to report to every state that the REIT does business in. If I personally, outside of the ...
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Dissolving a club
Hello, We plan to dissolve one of the Investment Clubs I am part of by end of this year. I could not find any instructions on the website on a set-up of set of steps to follow to close a club. I reckon that ...
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Club Meeting Meeting-September Activity Suggestion
Hello Everyone, Thanks to all who attended the first Club Meeting Meeting last Thursday. We received lots of compliments and are looking forward to future sessions each month. If you're interested in what was presented, you can find it on our new Club Meeting Meeting ...
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Getting Started with bivio! - Free Webinar
If you're new to bivio, join us September 9 at 8:30 PM EDT for a free webinar, "Getting Started with bivio!" You can find more information and registration links at If you have friends in clubs that might be interested in bivio, please let ...
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Archiving files outside of our Bivio Club site
Hi, We love Bivio and have used it for several years. We are 60% full. Each year is a folder of meetings, and some folders are not in a year. We would like to copy some folders elsewhere - maybe on a hard drive, or ...
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Couples & the Penny Pmt System
Our club's monthly payment is $25, and we have two couples in our club. Currently, each couple pays $50 monthly to cover the two spouses. How do we handle this in setting up the Penny Payment System? For couple A, I considered assigning one spouse ...
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Fundamental Investing
The term "fundamentals" is often used when describing what your investment club needs to evaluate to decide on an investment. I wonder how often you stop to consider what that really means. If you are determining what stock to purchase or sell based on it's ...
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Inactive / Deleting Account?
Greetings, Does anyone know how an account can be deleted in Bivio? Also, is there a way to set an account inactive? I see "Show Inactive Account" check box. Hence, I assume that an account can be set as inactive. But, I just can't find ...
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Quest for Positive Relative Returns and Dashboard Diagnostics
If you're interested in improving the Relative Returns for you club, you should try and attend tonight's online Dashboard Diagnostics session at 9PM EDT. Mark Robertson will be reviewing the portfolios of two bivio clubs which have very impressive historical relative returns. Learn from what ...
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Comfort Zone
I would like to recommend that you read Mark Wolfingers know_your_options blog posting for today. Even if you have no interest in trading options, they thought process and the way he presents it is very appropriate for thinking about your stock investments. If you ...
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club_cafe: QUESTION on International Stock Valuation - Non US Dollar denominated
Thank you, Do you know why If you want to update it has to be of all securites, some times I just have some of them and the system won't let me!!! Original Message From: Laurie Frederiksen Sender: To: The Club Cafe ReplyTo: The ...
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QUESTION on International Stock Valuation - Non US Dollar denominated
Hellow How do you recommend to keep record of a foreign stock position lets say that you have an Interactive Brokers Account, and purchase shares of NICE SPA, a small home automation company listed in the Milan Stock Exchange its shares are denominated in EUROS? ...
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Investment Club Activity-Setting Up a Stock Watcher Schedule
It's good for your investment club to have a methodology for keeping watch on the stocks you've purchased. When you purchase a stock, you use some judgments about the future to make your decision. It is good to revisit those judgments each quarter when your ...
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Revising a Withdrawal Report
Can you change a withdrawal report from payment in cash to payment in stock transfer?
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Challenge Club Meeting Tonight 8PM EDT
Hi Everyone, Just a reminder that the Manifest Investing Challenge club is meeting online tonight at 8PM. It is free and everyone is invited. Tonights meeting will include a discussion about selling Cardinal Health (CAH) and purchasing Johnson and Johnson (JNJ). Register to join us ...
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