IRS Penalties
At our Getting Ready for Tax Season webinar last night we heard from several clubs who had actually received penalty due notices from the IRS because they didn't file their club returns correctly. One club had sent them in in March, but received a notice ...
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where can I find performance review graph?
On my club website, where can I find performance review graph and monthly summaries? Thanks. South Shore Seniors investment club
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club_cafe: Initiation Account
Our club simply advises new members that their first contribution only (of $100), while credited to their account , will IAW the Partnership Agreement be deducted upon their withdrawal plus any other direct expenses necessitated to liquidate their interest. (I suppose we have never seen ...
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Initiation Account
In our club all new members are charged a one time $100.00 fee upon joining the club. Are there any suggestions on how I can take care of the accounting side of this transaction. Wayne
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Projecting the Future
Wouldn't it be nice if we could do this with confidence? Obviously, there will always be unknowns when trying to project the future of a stock price but there are a lot of things you can learn that will help you make much more educated ...
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Getting Ready For Tax Season Webinar
Hi Everyone, Time to start spending a little time thinking about tax season before the end of the calendar year. Join us for a free webinar on Sunday February 14 at 8PM ET. We'll give you a brief overview of what will be required of ...
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Performance Benchmark
I was looking at our Performance Benchmark. I love it. But it does not seem to include dividends we received. Am I correct? If not, why not?
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Dashboard Diagnostics-Thursday, November 11
Hi Everyone, This month's Dashboard Diagnostics session will be online, this Thursday at 8:30PM ET. In the Thanksgiving spirit, Mark Robertson from Manifest Investing will be discussing a very interesting portfolio from an investment club in Plymouth Massachusetts. The session is free and everyone is ...
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Update-Getting Ready for Tax Season Webinar
Hi Everyone, I apologize but I made a mistake on the date for the Getting Ready for Tax Season Webinar. It is Sunday November 14 at 8PM, not February 14. We had 2 inches of snow where I live last week. I guess in my ...
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Penalties for late payers
Greetings, We are having a constant problem of getting members to pay on time. We collect quarterly and have to chase down the same two members every quarter. How do you handle these situations if you ever encounter them and is it wise to include ...
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club_cafe: Penalties for late payers
We have everyone make out 4 checks once a year - one for each quarter. They leave them undated because a few times we have decided to deposit early. Members have been great about trying to make my job easier as they recognize how much ...
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Incorporating our club
We have had a family investment club for 18 years as a general partnership. We have been told that if we incorporate, the Corp can pay the taxes. Has anyone tried this, and if so which type of corporation should we use? Some of our ...
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help: adding members
we are adding each of our members with the initial balance on the switchover date. We have total paid for each member. we don't know what to put in the earnings allocated field. Also, the units field. thank-you - UYA
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Club Meeting Meeting Tonight!
Just a reminder that tonight is the monthly Club Meeting Meeting webinar. We'll go over a sample club meeting agenda, and discuss how to do a portfolio review. The Valley Ventures club in Colorado has been gracious enough to allow us to use their portfolio ...
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Estimating Revenue Growth, Club Meeting Meeting and AAPL
In this month's Club Meeting Meeting on Thursday, we'll discuss estimating revenue growth as our educational topic and suggested club activity. While it is easy to see how a company has grown sales in the past, once we own their stock, we want to keep ...
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