Reverse Mergers and Chinese Stocks
Some of you have recently had issues with investments you have made in stocks of Chinese companies. Stocks such as Advanced Battery Technologies (ABAT), Zhongpin (HOGS) , American Oriental Bioengineering (AOB) and others became publicly traded in the US using a method called a reverse ...
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Dashboard Diagnostics Recordings
If you missed last nights Dashboard Diagnostics session, here are the links to the recordings: Dashboard Diagnostics: Rappahannock Returns Part1 Dashboard Diagnostics: Rappahannock Returns Part2 Dashboard Diagnostics: Rappahannock Returns Part3 Mark received a lot of enthusiastic compliments on the session. If you watch, you're sure ...
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Is Your Investment Club In Wisconsin?
It has been brought to our attention that the State of Wisconsin is going to require all Wisconsin partnerships to file their state partnership returns electronically starting this year. At this point, all of the options for you to do so may cost more than ...
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Dashboard Diagnostics Tonight 8:30PM ET
In tonights Dashboard Diagnostics session, Mark Robertson from Manifest Investing will be reviewing the portfolio of a bivio investment club from Northern Virginia. This club started early in 2008, right before the bottom fell out of the market, yet hung in there and has done ...
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Looking for Educational Topics for Your Investment Club Meeting?
If you are looking for educational topics for your investment club meetings, here are two excellent sources. Morningstar Classroom and Investopedia Financial Tutorials -- Laurie Frederiksen Invest with your friends! Become our Facebook friend! Follow us on twitter!
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Why Might You Want to Learn About Trading Options?
Have you ever wondered whether you should learn more about trading options? I was discussing this with a friend recently who gave me this perspective. I thought it was a really interesting way to think about it. "One nice thing that you can do with ...
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Hands On Learning
There is a Presidents Advisory Council on Financial Capability. Their role is: "to advise the President and the Secretary of the Treasury on means to promote and enhance individuals' and families' financial capability." They have released some principles that they are going to use to ...
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Projecting the Future From the Past
In last nights Challenge Club meeting we were discussing a Canadian company called Stantec (STN). We were looking at YOY sales growth numbers for the most recently reported quarter and found big differences between the sales for the 2010 quarter being reported by Valueline and ...
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You're Invited to the Challenge Club Meeting on Tuesday!
Just a reminder, the September meeting of the Challenge Club will be held online on Tuesday September 20, at 8:30PM ET. The Challenge Club is an Online Virtual club, run by Mark Robertson from Manifest Investing. Meetings are open to all. You can just listen ...
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Quest For Positive Relative Returns Graphs Updated
Hi everyone, Your Quest for Positive Relative Returns graphs have been updated through August 1. You'll find a link to them on the upper left side of your club pages. If you'd like them updated through September 1, just let me know. I couldn't do ...
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September 11
I spent some time with friends on a beautiful night last night paddling a kayak on a small lake under an almost full moon. Gliding silently through still water, in moonlit darkness, surrounded by stars, it was one of those times when life is put ...
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Cost Basis Method-You Need to Check Your Brokerage Account
I found out something disturbing last night when I accessed our clubs Folio Investing account to place a sale order. They had chosen a default tax lot selection method for us which was not First In First Out. The IRS default for stock sales, unless ...
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The Market is Crazy. What Should You Do Now?
I read an article this morning discussing the fact that we can nurture both negative and positive motivation. We nurture negative motivation when we figure, after eating a Hersheys kiss, that we've gone off our diet anyway so we may as well finish the whole ...
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Honoring Steve Jobs
People know I like (and own) Apple stock so I've gotten several emails asking me what I think will happen to their stock price, now that Steve Jobs has resigned as CEO. The answer I have to give them is that I have no clue. ...
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IRA Custodians
You get all kinds of interesting stuff when you're on the IRS email lists. (At least it's interesting to me) Here is a list of approved Non Bank Custodians for IRA's. I know there are some of you out there who want to allow ...
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