Individual Stock Investment Performance (with good spreadsheet link)
Here's the link to our club spreadsheet that didn't work in my previous message. For some reason, google makes it hard to paste google links into google emails. Sorry about that. :) Northern Traders Spreadsheet -- Laurie Frederiksen Invest with your friends! Become our ...
1 message
bivio reports: Investment Performance??
In working on Portfolio Management for the Model Club MicNOVA, I would like to know, for each stock, how much money I invested, how much I have now, what percent profit (loss) I have. I would like this to included dividend income. I have not ...
8 messages
bivio reports: Investment Performance??
Isn't that information presented in the Member Performance Report? If not, how does the AIRR reported there differ from what is desired? Ira Smilovitz In a message dated 12/3/2011 2:43:09 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: bivio has the data to answer that question (by ...
1 message
Changed features on bivio: Help & Search?
I guess I haven't posted in a while here at Club Cafe, except for the past month. I am working on portfolio management with MicNOVA, Model Club of Northern Virginia. 1. I can't find the help page anymore. The only thing that I find is ...
3 messages
Introduction to Trefis Webinar Recording Posted
For all who are interested in viewing the recording of the Trefis webinar we held last week, it is now posted: Introduction To Trefis, By Trefis It is very interesting. -- Laurie Frederiksen Invest with your friends! Become our Facebook friend! Follow us ...
6 messages
Tax Reform
There are some interesting things beginning in terms of proposals for ways to change our current tax filing system. The proposals have gotten to the point where the IRS is starting to solicit public input on the concepts. Here's more information if you're interested in ...
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REITs-Comments From A Club That Owned One
We've been discussing REITs here recently so I wanted to pass along a comment that was received this morning from a club treasurer who attended last nights webinar: "During the talk there was a side conversation about keeping accounting simple and to do so by ...
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Tax Related Question
The investment club I'm in is a N.J. partnership. One of our members is moving to NYC this month. Does this in anyway affect the partnership - i.e. will we have to file a NY state and city return now as well? I know that ...
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Advice on whether to Buy an REIT
You've got to love the autocorrect feature. <vbg> Ira Smilovitz In a message dated 11/30/2011 9:57:47 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: That doesn't mean your club can't study and discuss twits if you want, and buy in your personal portfolios. Sent from my Verizon ...
2 messages
Advice on whether to Buy an REIT
I am attaching a file that I have saved since 2006 regarding this topic. It is an opinion that was offered within the Better Investment discussion forum. The general advice therein is to not buy an REIT within an investment club. Just wondering if that ...
3 messages
All these Emails
Hi everyone, Just a reminder, especially if you are new to this list, that this is a discussion list so if there is a discussion going on, you will receive a lot of emails. Please use the link below for a description of how you ...
1 message
Diversification of Top Club Holdings
On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 11:51 AM, Paul Madison < > wrote: You show the top holdings in the investment clubs but a lot of these tend to be Large Caps. It would be interesting to see the TOP 50 in each category ...
18 messages
Here's another interesting question. What percentage of the value of Disney stock do you think comes from their Parks and Resorts business? We're running a poll on our Facebook page, Let us know what you think. -- Laurie Frederiksen Invest with your friends! ...
3 messages
Paper records retention
After 3 treasurers and 15+/- years as an active club,we have accumulated many and varied papers.I plan to save all of the tax returns and back up for tax returns.What other documents besides above & Bylaws/partnership agreements should we save??? Your recommendations will be appreciated. ...
3 messages
Options Commissions
I was paying $9.99 plus $.75 / contract normally at TD Ameritrade when I first began selling options. That is their standard commission. I only got the better rate ($8) once I started selling 4+ options per month or so. - Etana Finkler On 11/29/11, ...
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