State Taxes
As long as your investment club doesn't invest in another partnership (LP, PTP), it doesn't have to file a VA-502 return. See the instructions for the form, . Ira Smilovitz In a message dated 2/1/2012 6:48:41 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: Do you ...
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2011 Investment Club Tax Program Released!
2011 Tax Program Released! The 2011 bivio Federal 1065 Partnership tax program has been released and is now available for your treasurer to use by going to Accounting>Taxes Just a reminder that we recommend you wait to file your investment club taxes and distribute K-1's ...
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State Taxes
Do you have tax forms for the state of Virginia?
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1065 & K-1
My 1065 has a total $, and it is divided up to our members equally. But, when I add the K-1's up it is higher that the total on my 1065. I know why, but I'm curious if this should be addressed or leave as ...
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1065 & K-1
You don't have to worry about rounding errors. Ira Smilovitz In a message dated 2/1/2012 1:33:01 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes: My 1065 has a total $, and it is divided up to our members equally. But, when I add the K-1's up it ...
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Commissons and fees
There is no easy way because commissions are part of your cost basis/sales proceeds and fees are expenses. You'll have to go through your transactions and identify the amount and add them yourself. Ira Smilovitz In a message dated 1/29/2012 11:25:35 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, ...
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Commissons and fees
What is the easiest way to add up just commissions and fees paid during the year to the broker for our stock transactions??
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New Cost Basis Reporting Rules
I hope by now that all of you are aware that there are new cost basis reporting rules. We did a presentation about it in November: Cost Basis Reporting Changes We've been interacting with various brokers for various reasons related to the changes. I have ...
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Facebook IPO
Good morning everyone, I hope you don't mind, but I had to put Facebook IPO in the subject line for this post. It is and will be the in thing to do for a while if you're someone who writes content for the internet. If ...
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Did You Know?
On our home page, you'll see a list of the top 10 most commonly held stocks by bivio clubs. If you click on any of the Tickers, it opens a research page with useful links for you to use if you're following any of them. ...
4 messages
Funding TD Ameritrade Account
TDAmeritrade requires the (TDA) account number on each check so that they know what account to deposit the funds into. The penny system doesn't address TDA's needs. David needs to check with TDA about whether they'll accept checks without a deposit slip. My club collects ...
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Funding TD Ameritrade Account
Hi, I am setting up a new investment club in Feb. using TD Ameritrade as our broker. I plan on having my members submit their contributions directly to the TD account having them list our account number on their checks. I plan on having that ...
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When are tax forms ready to produce k-1s going to be availiable?
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surplus $25
If I understand your situation correctly, you deposited $25 into your bank account (via an automated transfer) but never entered that deposit into your accounting software. This led to a $25 discrepancy between your checkbook/bank and your accounting records. If so, the easiest way to ...
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surplus $25
for over a year now i've had a $25 over balance in my checkbook that agrees with the bank balance but not with my investment club accounting. i finally found it las t night. a member died in 2010, and we paid her share to ...
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