reconciling accounting errors in bivio
I'm hoping you can provide some direction for our club regarding reconciliation of accounting errors. Several months ago our 4 year old club discovered that our bivio balance vs our scottrade balance no longer agree. Specifically, our bivio balance is $400.00 less than our actual ...
3 messages
Audit Form pretty critical element
hi. I hope someone is working on correcting the issue of the missing Audit Form . i already had one printed from some previous event, but wrote all over it durignthe webinar. webinar very helpful extremely important to have the audit form down loadable. deannie
5 messages
When a Dividend is Not a Dividend
As some of you receive your 1099 forms, you are finding that what you thought were dividends you received during the year, have been reclassified. For example, if you hold Frontier Communications (FTR), more than 70% of what you received as been reclassified as a ...
1 message
Access for Withdrawn member
We had a member withdraw during 2011 and it shows Withdrawn on his member page. Will he still have access to our bivio tax return so he can download his K-1?
5 messages
Autosync problems
In preparation for submitting our club tax statements ( I am the President and do the taxes) Two of our stocks show a greater quantity in Bivio than in our stock statements. How can I correct this in order to submit our tax forms?
2 messages
TK6 WEB Button - Editing/Deleting URL links
TK6 makes accessing company specific information from various web sites quick and easy. Kudos However, the value of various sites varies with the user, for example, I prefer to enumerate sites for faster access. Plus, I desire to cleanup dead links by editing them. HOW? ...
1 message
Happy Groundhog Day!
Three of the four top entries in this years Manifest Investing Groundhog Portfolio contest, including the winning entry, were made by investment clubs! Perhaps a testament to the value of group input in making investing choices. We support the fun and will be offering a ...
6 messages
State Filing for MI
Hello, Could you please tell me if the State of Michigan requires an investment club to file anything on the state level for taxes? Thanks in advance, Jonathan
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Foreign taxes, again!!
In completing our audit for 2011, we came up with a discrepancy in our income compared to our Schwab account. We are off by $.35 due to a foreign tax issue. When we got a dividend from Nokia for $57.14, we also got a "foreign ...
4 messages
Is Your Investment Club Interested in International Investments?
International Investing Is your club interested in international investments? Does your portfolio need an equity makeover? We are pleased to have a guest speaker for the bivio March Club Meeting Meeting on March 8 at 8:30PM ET. Sharon McAllister will be joining us to discuss ...
1 message
We have many entries of unassigned credits and debits from accoun_sync. Some go back to previous years. I do not know what to do to resolve this and cannot get help from anyone.
3 messages
Records Retention
I'm sure this isn't a new question, but what records do I (as Treasurer) need to retain and for how long? I'm GUESSING that I need to retain both Federal and State tax returns "forever." It's copies of Treasurer Reports and Monthly Brokerage statements that ...
2 messages
K-1 Teucrium Corn Fund (CORN)
Afternoon, in last nights mail our Club recieved a K-1 from this fund. I am lost as to how to file the figures on the tax forms as this is our first fund that I have to deal with. Any help would be greatky appreciated. ...
3 messages
I Was Told There Would Be No Math
Being someone who is enamored of playing with numbers and passionate about what I do, this article caught my eye. It discusses some things that wouldn't hurt any of us to step back and think about as investors. I thought some of you might find ...
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Hot Off the Press!
For those investment clubs in New Jersey, New Jersey state taxes are now available for you to complete! -- Laurie Frederiksen Invest with your friends! Become our Facebook friend! Follow us on twitter!
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