Registering Investment Club as an LLC in PA
Liability protection from what? There is no protection from your own actions and there isn't anything you will do as an investment club that would expose you to liability to others. Ira Smilovitz In a message dated 3/30/2012 2:48:21 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: ...
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Registering Investment Club as an LLC in PA
Greetings, I wonder if other members here are aware of any special requirements to register the Investment Club as an LLC in the state of Pennsylvania. I mean in addition to the normal requirements for a general purpose LLC. The reason for this question is ...
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Stop Loss Orders and Wash Sales
If you buy and sell entirely within the IRA, wash sales are irrelevant as there are no capital gains or losses to report. If you sell for a loss in a taxable account and then buy back in an IRA within the wash sale window, ...
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Stop Loss Orders and Wash Sales
Some of you set stop loss orders on all of your stocks and many of you may be considering them to protect some of your recent gains in the market. Just a heads up. If they trigger and you sell the stock for a loss. ...
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Interested In Finding Out More About Manifest Investing?
If you're interested in finding out more about the services provided by Manifest Investing, you might be interested in attending a webinar they are doing this Saturday at 9AM ET. Everyone is invited. FInd out more here: Getting Started. What's It All About? Laurie Frederiksen ...
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Educational Topics for Your Club Meetings
One of the features which is offered by E*Trade is an extensive Investor Education section. There are many short educational presentations available to anyone here: and, there are additional brief presentations available that you could view as an educational portion of a club meeting ...
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E*Trade Webinar Tonight!
Just a reminder that representatives from E*Trade will be doing a webinar tonight at 8:30PM ET. It's an opportunity for you to learn more about their brokerage and the special $5 Stock and Options Trades Offer they are making for bivio investment clubs. The webinar ...
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Percentage of club value to hold as cash
The Investment Club I belong to is concerned about the amount of cash we have on hand. We presently have about 12% of our money in cash. At the moment we have not decided on another new investment. We could, of course, add to positions ...
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CAP on number of portfolio holdings
Do any of you have a cap on the number of stocks you hold in your portfolio? If so, how do you work it. We're at about 20 and I feel that if we get to about 25 or 30 we should consider selling something ...
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Cost basis of transferred stocks
In a message dated 3/24/2012 3:10:40 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: Laurie and club cafe, When the Stockettes Investment Club disbanded, 2 securities were transferred to me. Is my cost basis, for tax purposes, the closing price on the day that TD Ameritrade lists ...
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Wisconsin taxes
I am still in the trial period, but my club has committed to transferring our books (done by hand by me for the last 16 years) to online accounting through Bivio. I have entered last year's data, and so far everything matches what I did ...
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Form 8949
Hello everyone, Because of the cost basis reporting changes, there is a new IRS reporting form this year called Form 8949. Some of you are receiving 1099s that indicate that you need to fill it in. Just to let you know, this year form 8949 ...
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Top Club Holdings
How do I interpret the"Top Club Holdings" column on the Bivio Welcome page? Does APPL 33% mean that 33% of all clubs using Bivio have at least 1 share of AAPL in their portfolio? Thanks Jay
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How are your investment clubs handling the recent run up in Apple Stock price? The Challenge club last night voted down two motions to put a trailing stop loss order on their shares. They also voted against purchasing more shares. Trefis has a valuation of ...
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Watch Lists
Like many of your clubs, my investment club studies new stocks on a regular basis. We often find some, especially in markets like this one, that we think look like great companies, but are too expensive to purchase. I imagine many of you have had ...
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